
General Assembly (GA)

General Assembly (GA)The General Assembly is one of the six main organs of the United Nations, the only one in which all Member States have equal representation: one nation, one vote. All 193 Member States of the United Nations are represented in this unique forum to discuss and work together on a wide array of international issues covered by the UN Charter, such as development, peace and security, international law, etc. In September, all the Members meet in the General Assembly Hall in New York for the annual General Assembly session.

Our work falls under The following main committees of the GA:

1. Second Committee (Economic and Financial Committee)
2. Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee)

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As part of the preparations for and observance of the thirtieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family, the report is focused on the impact of climate change on the well-being of families, highlighting challenges relating to food and water scarcity, worsening physical and mental health, increased intrafamilial violence and child marriage.


As part of the preparations for and observance of the thirtieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family, the report is focused on the impact of climate change on the well-being of families, highlighting challenges relating to food and water scarcity, worsening physical and mental health, increased intrafamilial violence and child marriage.


The Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is requested by the Human Rights Council to present two annual reports: one at its regular sessions in Geneva, usually held in September, and another at the General Assembly, typically in October. These annual reports include a description of the activities carried out during the year within the framework of the mandate and often include discussions on specific themes or issues of particular relevance to the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

These reports to the General Assembly can be accessed here.


At its 3rd plenary meeting, on 16 September 2022, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the General Committee, decided to include in the agenda of its seventy-seventh session the item entitled: “Social development: “(a) Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly; “(b) Social development, including questions relating to the world social situation and to youth, ageing, persons with disabilities and the family; “(c) Literacy for life: shaping future agendas” and to allocate it to the Third Committee.


The present report is submitted pursuant to resolution 76/154, in which the General Assembly requested that the Secretary-General submit to it a progress report on steps taken by the United Nations system towards mainstreaming disability inclusion, including implementation of the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy.

The report outlines the progress made in 2021, on the basis of an analysis of submissions by United Nations entities and country teams reporting under the Strategy’s accountability framework. The report reflects on opportunities and challenges facing the Organization in relation to disability inclusion, including in the context of humanitarian crises and of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) recovery.