
The Millennium Development Goals, Indigenous Participation and Good Governance

Date: Wed, Jan 11 - Fri, Jan 13 2006 | Expert Group Meeting
Location: New York, USA
Time: All day
The Millennium Development Goals, Indigenous Participation and Good Governance

International Expert Group Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals, Indigenous Participation and Good Governance

United Nations, New York, 11-13 January, 2006



Report of the International Expert Group Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals, Indigenous Participation and Good Governance

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October 30 2006 | workshop/egm paper | Adobe Acrobat (pdf)


Expert Group Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals, Indigenous Participation and Good Governance - Background Note

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February 1 2006 | workshop/egm paper | Adobe Acrobat (pdf)

Irina Shafrannik

Paper in Russian only

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January 11 2006 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)


Contrubution for Workshop on the MDGs, Indigenous Participation and Good Governance

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January 11 2006 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)


Background Paper for Workshop on the MDGs, Indigenous Participation and Good Governance

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January 11 2006 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)


Organzation of Work

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January 11 2006 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)

Famark Hlawnching

Revitaization of Indigenous Governance System as towards Sustainability

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January 11 2006 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)


Contrubution for Workshop on the MDGs, Indigenous Participation and Good Governance

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January 11 2006 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)

Fui Elisara

The Samoa MDGs

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January 11 2006 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)


Contrubution for Workshop on the MDGs, Indigenous Participation and Good Governance

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January 11 2006 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)

Mick Dodson

Indigenous Community Governance Project

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January 11 2006 | workshop/egm paper

María Eugenia Choque Quispe

La historia del Movimiento Indígena en la Búsqueda del Suma Qamaña (Vivir Bien)

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January 11 2006 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)

Paul L.A.H. Chartrand

Contrubution for Workshop on the MDGs, Indigenous Participation and Good Governance

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January 11 2006 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)

Monica Alemán

Commitment to Good Governance

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January 11 2006 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)