
GA Third Committee: Rights of Indigenous Peoples

24 October 2017

Indigenous peoples at the 72nd Session of the UNGAOn 12 October the Social, the General Assembly Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (Third Committee), 17th meeting of the 72nd session of the General Assembly discussed Rights of Indigenous Peoples [item 69]

(a) Rights of Indigenous Peoples (A/72/186)

(b) Follow-up to the outcome document of the high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples Introductory statement, followed by an interactive dialogue Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples

Continuation and conclusion of the general discussion

Consent, Participation of Indigenous Peoples in Decisions Affecting Them Vital to Advancing Their Rights, Special Rapporteur Tells Third Committee (GA/SHC/4203)

Recognition and inclusion of Indigenous Peoples were central to the promotion of peace, human rights and sustainable development, said speakers as the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian & Cultural) held its discussion on the matter.

Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, stressed that failure to recognize Indigenous Peoples as such denied them their rights enshrined in international human rights law.  Briefing the Committee, she said that even in countries that recognized the rights of Indigenous Peoples, legislative inconsistencies persisted.

To read the Meetings Coverage of the session, click here >>>

More information:

Statements delivered by States and UN System, please visit the UN Paper Smart here >>>

Webcast of the session:

Morning session here >>>

Afternoon session here >>>

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