
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2019

24 July 2019

On 23 December 1994, the United Nations General Assembly decided, in its resolution 49/214, that the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People shall be observed on 9 August every year. The date marks the first meeting, in 1982, of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations.

The International Day observance will take place on Friday 9 August 2019 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm in the ECOSOC Chamber at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

The event’s theme is “Indigenous Languages” and will feature a high-level segment, followed by a panel discussion and an interactive segment with several guest speakers and Indigenous experts. The event will also feature an innovation hub on creative initiatives on Indigenous languages at the UN Visitor’s Lobby from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

For more information visit:

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