
High Level Political Forum 2016 concludes

21 July 2016

indigenous_collage_24May2016 copyThe High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development 2016 concluded yesterday night with the adoption of a Ministerial Declaration.

Indigenous Peoples have been actively engaged throughout the HLPF to ensure that the voices and contributions of Indigenous Peoples are heard at the High Level Political Forum – and that progress is being reviewed for Indigenous Peoples and their specific development concerns as well.

The SDGs provide an ample opportunity to demonstrate transformational partnerships that allows Indigenous Peoples as right-holders to be the central actors of their own development, with the support of states and other development actors” said Joan Carling, expert member of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and Secretary General of the Asian Indigenous Peoples’ Pact on behalf of the Indigenous Peoples’ Major Groups.

HLPF Side Event on “Securing the Rights and Contributions of Indigenous Peoples in the 2030 Agenda”

Side event 6A side event took place on 15 July with the aim to discuss and provide strategic policy guidance on how to ensure that Indigenous are not left behind in the 2030 Agenda – and how to enhance their roles and contributions to sustainable development. The side event was organised by the Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (SPFII/DSPD/DESA) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations.

Mr. Sean Batten, Director of Global Development Policy, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Ms. Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission of Latin America and Caribbean (ECLAC) both presented experiences related to making indigenous peoples and their situation visible in national statistics. ECLAC’s presentation is available hereSide event 2


The side event was moderated by Ms. Joan Carling, Expert Member of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

See the webcast from the side event here.

Read more about the side event here.


Press Conference: “Securing the rights and contributions of indigenous peoples in the 2030 Agenda”

Press Conference on securing the rights and contributions of Indigenous Peoples in the 2030 Agenda. Picture, left to right: Joan Carling, UNPFII Expert Member, Philippines; Otilia Lux De Coti, Fondo Indigena, Guatemala; Roberto Borrero, International Indian Treaty Council and Indigenous Peoples Major Group,

UN Photo/JC McIlwaine


In connection with the above side event, UN Department of Information conducted a press conference, featuring:

  • Ms. Joan Carling, Expert Member of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
  • Ms. Otilia Lux de Coti, former Expert Member of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
  • Mr. Roberto Borrero, Indigenous Peoples’ Major Group/International Indian Treaty Council

Watch the press conference here – and read some of the coverage of Indigenous Peoples’ perspectives on the 2030 Agenda in the Inter Press Service News Agency.


In addition, representatives from the Indigenous Peoples’ Major Group participated throughout the HLPF in the panel discussions, national reviews and general debate to highlight the actions needed to ensure inclusion and visibility of Indigenous Peoples in the implementation of the SDGs.

For general information on the Indigenous Peoples and the 2030 Agenda see here – and for more on the High Level Political Forum see


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