
Indigenous Mbororo woman speaks at Security Council Meeting on the Sahel

07 June 2016

FH2015 – Le Bourget, Samedi 12 septembre 2015.
AGORA, grand forum “Protegeons le climat, changeons la societe”.
Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim
Photo Albert Facelly.

United Nations, New York, 7 June 2016 — Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, an Indigenous Mbororo woman from a nomad community of Lake Chad, and Coordinator of the Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples (AFPAT), addressed the 7699th Security Council meeting on 26 May, where she gave a statement on the current situation of Indigenous Peoples and local communities of the Sahel.

During her intervention, she explained how climate change and desertification are a source of conflict and insecurity in the region. She emphasized that if these challenges are not addressed, “conflicts over water, land and migration routes would increase.” She later called for an “accelerated implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change and [encouraged] the development of financing for adaptation.” To end, she urged the international community to work on solutions to solve these challenges and “strengthen actions that preserve the lifestyles and cultures of pastoralist, family farmers, Indigenous Peoples and local communities” of the Sahel.


To read her full statement, please click here >>>

To read the meetings coverage of the UN Security Council, 7699th meeting , please click here >>>

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