
News on Indigenous Peoples from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

30 November 2015

Indigenous WomenThe Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO) is one of the leading organizations for its expertise in natural resources management, including food systems. Given the inextricable relationship which exists between nature and Indigenous Peoples’ livelihoods, FAO plays an important role in protecting the environment and those who depend on it for survival. Many FAO projects relate to Indigenous Peoples even if indirectly, in their promotion of biological and cultural diversity as the underpinnings of food and livelihood security as well as quality of life.

Read much more about FAO’s work for Indigenous Peoples on their webpage.

The page features a lot of recent updates, including a video with Indigenous youth speaking about their vision, ideas and concerns on food security and sustainable food production (See it here)

The United Nations is working together to address the concerns of Indigenous Peoples across the world. In November, the system-wide action plan on the rights of Indigenous Peoples was finalised to ensure a coherent approach within the United Nations to achieving the ends of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. One of the components of this plan is to raise awareness on the rights of Indigenous Peoples. As part of that, we will be featuring the work of United Nations Agencies, Programmes and Funds through our webpage.

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