
Press conference: Indigenous Peoples and 2030 Development Agenda

23 October 2015

UN Photo/Loey Felipe In a relation with a two-day expert group meeting on “Indigenous Peoples and Agenda 2030,” organized by the Division for Social Policy and Development of DESA at United Nations Headquarters on 22-23 October, a press conference was organised with the following experts:

Joan Carling, Member of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Paul Kanyinke Sena, Former Chairperson of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Fabiana del Popolo, expert, Population Division, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

Watch the press conference here

The 2030 Agenda, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 25 September 2015, includes six specific references to Indigenous Peoples. Yet, “States and the UN system must be ambitious, and go beyond the points mentioned in this text to bring Indigenous Peoples into the achievement of goals and targets – for the 2030 Agenda to be truly inclusive,” said Joan Carling, member of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, when commenting on the adoption of the landmark document.

Los pueblos indígenas reclaman el reconocimiento de sus derechos colectivos, entrevista a Fabiana del Popolo, escuche aquí

Read the background note on the press conference here: Media Advisory 23 Oct 2015

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