
UN Secretary-General remarks at Peoples World Conference on Climate Change and the Defence of Life

10 October 2015

Secretary-General Visits Vila Vila Village with President of Bolivia. UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe On 10 October, the UN Secretary-General participated at the Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and the Defence of Life in Cochabamba, Bolivia. He emphasized that climate change is at the top of the international agenda this year. In his statement, the Secretary-General noted that “Indigenous Peoples are among the world’s most vulnerable and marginalized people” and yet, “their history, traditions, languages and knowledge are part of the very bedrock of human heritage”.

With respect to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Secretary-General emphasized that we “must realize the rights of Indigenous Peoples across all the Goals” and that “we must do so in culturally appropriate ways that meet the needs of Indigenous Peoples and their conceptions of well-being”.

See remarks here

Article by UN news centre

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