
GA Third Committee Approves Resolution “Rights of Indigenous Peoples”

04 November 2022
GA Third committee

On 4 November 2022, the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (Third Committee) of the 77th session of the General Assembly discussed Rights of Indigenous Peoples [item 65 (a)].

The Committee took up the draft resolution “Rights of Indigenous Peoples” (document A/C.3/77/L.20/Rev.1).

Among other issues, the resolution:

  • Stresses that Indigenous Peoples, including those who are in voluntary isolation or initial contact, have the right of self-determination, and can choose to live in accordance with their traditions;
  • Encourages the active engagement of Indigenous Peoples in the implementation of the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, and invites the General Assembly to consider holding a Follow Up World Conference on Indigenous Peoples to follow up on the implementation of the outcome document;
  • Encourages Member States and the private sector to ensure a more sustainable, environment friendly and responsible corporate behaviour that addresses the well-being and the adverse environmental impact on the lands and territories traditionally inhabited by Indigenous Peoples of some business activities;
  • Recalls the launch of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages 2022-32 and encourages Member States to adopt national action plans to preserve, revitalize and promote Indigenous languages, including sign languages;
  • Notes the work of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in the preparation of draft general recommendation No. 39 on the rights of Indigenous women and girls, which was adopted by CEDAW in October 2022.
  • Adopts the use of capital letters in official documents when referring to ‘Indigenous Peoples’, as well as Indigenous persons, Indigenous children and Indigenous women, among others.

The main sponsors of the resolution were the Plurinational State of Bolivia and Ecuador.

The following states took the floor after the approval of the resolution: CANZ (Canada, Australia, New Zealand), Hungary, Romania, India, Senegal, United Kingdom, Libya, Iraq, Malaysia, Holy See and Egypt.

The Committee approved the draft resolution “L.20/Rev.1” by consensus.

Webcast of the session >>>  


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