
UNPFII Twenty-fourth Session: 21 April - 2 May 2025



Theme: "Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples within United Nations Member States and the United Nations system, including identifying good practices and addressing challenges

Dates: The twenty-fourth session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues will take place in-person from 21 April to 2 May 2025.

Location: UN Headquarters, New York


International Expert Group Meeting: “The rights of Indigenous Peoples, including those in voluntary isolation and initial contact in the context of the extraction of critical minerals”

2-5 December 2024, Virtual Format

The Indigenous Peoples Development Branch within the Division of Inclusive Social Development of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs will organise an International Expert Group Meeting on the theme “The rights of Indigenous Peoples, including those in voluntary isolation and initial contact in the context of the extraction of critical minerals” recommended by the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and endorsed by the Economic and Social Council. 

See here for more information.

Agencies questionnaires

The Indigenous Peoples Development Branch/Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues invites UN system agencies, funds and programmes and other intergovernmental organizations to complete the attached questionnaire on any action taken or planned in response to the Permanent Forum’s recommendations, the system-wide action plan on rights of indigenous peoples (SWAP) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The responses will be compiled into a report for the 2024 session of the Permanent Forum. In your responses, please, include information on progress and challenges related to Indigenous women, Indigenous persons with disabilities, Indigenous older persons, and Indigenous children and youth.

Questionnaire to UN entities and intergovernmental organisations 

Provisional Agenda

Provisional Agenda for the twenty-fourth session (E/C.19/2025/1)

1. Election of officers.

2. Adoption of the agenda and organization of work.

3. Discussion on the theme “Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples within United Nations Member States and the United Nations system, including identifying good practices and addressing challenges”.

4. Discussion on the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum (economic and social development, culture, environment, education, health and human rights), with reference to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

5. Dialogues:

(a) Dialogue with Indigenous Peoples;

(b) Dialogue with Member States;

(c) Dialogue with the United Nations agencies, funds and programmes;

(d) Human rights dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; annual review of progress on the implementation of general recommendation No. 39 (2022);

(e) Interregional, intergenerational and global dialogue;

(f) Dialogue on Indigenous platforms established within United Nations entities;

(g) Thematic dialogue on the financing of Indigenous Peoples’ work and participation across the multilateral and regional system.

6. Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council, the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples and emerging issues.

7. Provisional agenda of the twenty-fifth session of the Permanent Forum.

8. Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its twenty-fourth session.


Participation in the annual session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) is open to Member States, the UN and other intergovernmental organizations, Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations (IPOs), academia accredited to the Permanent Forum and Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) in consultative status with ECOSOC.  Indigenous parliamentarians and National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) may also be invited to attend. 

For IPOs and academia, there is a 2-step accreditation and registration process. While those that have previously participated in UNPFII may already have iCSO accreditation, we recommend checking that this remains active and that the associated information is up to date and correct. NGOs with ECOSOC Status only need to complete Step 2. NGOs working on Indigenous issues without ECOSOC Status would need to apply for and receive ECOSOC status in order to participate. For Indigenous Parliamentarians and NHRIs there is a separate process detailed below. 

Step 1: First time participants registration closed

Step 2: Registration for the 24th Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII2025) in INDICO

Participants from NGOs with ECOSOC Status, accredited Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations (IPOs) and academia may register via INDICO for the 24th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII2025).

Please note that it is the responsibility of your organization to approve your registration. Once you have registered, please contact your organization focal point for approval.

Important note for conference focal points

  • You must use the same email address that was used when you were nominated as the conference focal point in iCSO system 
  • To ensure profile updates are reviewed and focal point changes are properly notified, please follow the exact steps outlined in the iCSO guide
  • If your email address has changed, please send an email to with the subject line: “UNPFII IPO/Academia - Focal Point Update” and include the following details in your email: Name of your organization and New focal point’s information and contact details.

Due to space constraints, organizations should limit the number of attendees. A maximum of 10 representatives per organization may register.

Registration deadline: 21 March 2025 (midnight NY time)

Click here to register now.

Who: Participants (18 years or older) from IPOs and academia that have been approved for accreditation through iCSO and NGOs with ECOSOC Status 

When: 24 February – 21 March 2025 


Indigenous Parliamentarians and National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs):

Indigenous Parliamentarians and representatives of National Human Rights Institutions should contact with the subject line: "Registration Indigenous Parliamentarians/NHRIs". Once approved, participants can register using the INDICO registration system. 

Indigenous Youth/Minors (Under 18 Years Old):

  • Indigenous youth/minors (under 18 years old) cannot register via INDICO.
  • Instead, accredited IPOs to the UNPFII must request a “Youth Participant Pass” for minors between 24 February and 21 March 2025 by contacting with the subject: "Indigenous Youth Participant." 
  • The request must include the name of the chaperone, who must already be accredited to the UNPFII 2025

Important details for UNPFII participation and registration 

IPOs may be accredited as observers to attend sessions of the UNPFII. Based on past practice at the Working Group on Indigenous Populations, academic institutions may also be permitted to attend. Academic institutions’ work must be related to Indigenous Peoples and relevant to the UNPFII. Think tanks are not considered to be academic institutions.  

The Permanent Forum has also agreed that Indigenous Parliamentarians and National Human Rights Institutions may be invited to attend. 

Online registration is mandatory for all participants by the deadlines. Registrations by email cannot be accepted. 

Note: The United Nations does not charge fees for participation in the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues’ sessions. The United Nations will not pay for any expenses in connection with the participation of IPOs, Academia, NGO representatives in the sessions of UNPFII. Such arrangements and costs are the exclusive responsibility of participants. 

Programme of Work

Programme of Work (E/C. 19/2025/L.1/REV.1)


10:00 - 13:00 (New York time)

15:00 - 18:00 (New York time)


21 April

11:00 Opening of the session (GA Hall)

Item 1 Election of officers

Item 2 Adoption of the agenda and organization of work

Item 5 (e) Interregional, intergenerational and global dialogue on “The rights of Indigenous women” [Concept note]

[Interactive high-level dialogue]


22 April

10:00 – 11:45 Item 5 (e) (continued) Interregional, intergenerational and global dialogue on “The rights of Indigenous women” [Concept note]

[Interactive high-level dialogue]

11:45 – 13:00 Item 3 Discussion on the theme “Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples within United Nations Member States and the United Nations system, including identifying good practices and addressing challenges” 

E/C.19/2025/5 Evaluating institutional structures to improve the health and wellness of Indigenous Peoples globally: the Indigenous determinants of health measurement instrument

[Speakers’ list]

Item 3 (continued) Discussion on the theme “Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples within United Nations Member States and the United Nations system, including identifying good practices and addressing challenges” 

[Speakers’ list]


23 April

Item 5 (g) Thematic dialogue on the financing of Indigenous Peoples’ work and participation across the multilateral and regional system [Concept Note]

E/C.19/2025/6 The rights of Indigenous Peoples in the context of critical minerals to ensure a just transition

Panel focus on critical minerals and Indigenous Peoples

[Speakers’ list]

Item 5 (g) (continued) Thematic dialogue on the financing of Indigenous Peoples’ work and participation across the multilateral and regional system [Concept Note]

Panel focus on financing and Indigenous Peoples

[Speakers’ list]


24 April

Item 5 (a) Dialogue with Indigenous Peoples (closed meeting)

[Interactive dialogue]

No meeting scheduled.


25 April

Item 4 Discussion on the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum (economic and social development, culture, environment, education, health and human rights), with reference to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

E/C.19/2025/7 Impact of colonization and armed conflicts on Indigenous Peoples’ rights: the imperative of peacebuilding 

[Speakers’ list]

Item 4 (continued) Discussion on the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum (economic and social development, culture, environment, education, health and human rights), with reference to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

E/C.19/2025/4 International Expert Group Meeting on the theme: ""The rights of Indigenous Peoples, including those in voluntary isolation and initial contact in the context of critical minerals" 

[Speakers’ list]



10:00 - 13:00 (New York time)

15:00 - 18:00 (New York time)


28 April

Item 5 (d) Human rights dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; annual review of progress on the implementation of general recommendation No. 39 (2022)

[Interactive dialogue]

Item 5 (d) (continued) Human rights dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; annual review of progress on the implementation of general recommendation No. 39 (2022)

[Speakers’ list]


29 April

Item 5 (f) Dialogue on Indigenous platforms established within United Nations entities [Concept Note]

[Interactive dialogue]


Closed meeting for Permanent Forum members


30 April

Item 5 (c) Dialogue with United Nations agencies, funds and programmes (closed meeting)

[Interactive dialogue]

3.p.m. - 4:45 p.m: Item 5 (b) Dialogue with Member States (closed meeting)

[Interactive dialogue]

4:45 p.m - 6 p.m: Item 6 Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council, the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples and emerging issues

[Speakers’ list]


1 May

Closed meeting for Permanent Forum members

No meeting scheduled.


2 May

Closed meeting for Permanent Forum members

Item 7 Provisional agenda of the 25th session of the Permanent Forum

Item 8 Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its 24th session

Closing of the session


Documents submitted by the Secretariat of the UNPFII:

E/C.19/2025/L.1 Programme of Work AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH

E/C.19/2025/4 Report of the international expert group meeting on the theme “The rights of Indigenous Peoples, including those in voluntary isolation and initial contact in the context of critical minerals” AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH 

Documents prepared by Members of the UNPFII:

E/C.19/2025/6 The rights of Indigenous Peoples in the context of critical minerals to ensure a just transition, by Hindou Oumarou
Ibrahim and Hannah McGlade AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH

E/C.19/2025/7 Impact of colonization and armed conflicts on Indigenous Peoples’ rights: the imperative of peacebuilding, by Hanieh Moghani, Hannah McGlade and Geoffrey Roth AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH

E/C.19/2025/5 Evaluating institutional structures to improve the health and wellness of Indigenous Peoples globally: the Indigenous determinants of health measurement instrument, by Geoffrey Roth AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH

Responses to the questionnaire submitted by the UN system and other Inter-governmental organizations

  • ADB: EN 

  • DGC: EN 

  • DPPA: EN 

  • ECLAC: EN 

  • FAO: EN 

  • IDB: EN
  • IFAD: EN
  • ITU: EN
  • OCDE: EN
  • PAHO: EN
  • UNDP: EN
  • UNEP: EN
  • UNU: EN
  • UN Tourism: EN
  • UN Women: EN
  • WFP: EN
  • WHO: EN
  • WIPO: EN
Concept Note for Dialogues

5. Dialogues:

Item 5 (e) Interregional, intergenerational and global dialogue on “The rights of Indigenous women”- Concept note.

Item 5 (f) Dialogue on Indigenous platforms established within United Nations entities- Concept note

Item 5 (g) Thematic dialogue on the financing of Indigenous Peoples’ work and participation across the multilateral and regional system- Concept note

Side Events

As in previous years, the Indigenous Peoples and Development Branch – Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (IPDB-SPFII) in DESA will coordinate side  events during the 24th Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), to be held at the United Nations Headquarters from 21 April to 2 May 2025. 

IPDB-SPFII coordinates side events (workshops, panel presentations or roundtable discussion) organized by Member States, UN entities, Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations (IPOs), other intergovernmental organizations and NGOs that have been approved for accreditation to the 24th Session of the UNPFII.  

The special theme of the 24th session will be “”Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples within United Nations Member States and the United Nations system, including identifying good practices and addressing challenges”. The agenda includes a human rights dialogue with the UN Indigenous Mechanisms, Future Work, discussion on the Six mandated areas, among others. 

Due to limited space and increased costs of conference rooms, we cannot guarantee that all requests will be honoured. Preference will be given to event requests related to the theme of the 2025 UNPFII session and joint events with various co-sponsors.  

Side events registration will be open from 24 February until 12 March 2025 (midnight NY time).  

The deadline to submit requests for side events is 12 March 2025 (midnight NY time). 

Please complete the side event request form here


Please see below guidelines and attached side event information document.


Side events are normally held during lunch hours (and closed sessions) from 1:15pm to 2:30pm for a duration of 1 hour and 15 minutes. However, they might also be organized during the formal sessions. 


All registered side events for the 24th Session of UNPFII will be held at the United Nations Headquarters, in the Secretariat building.  Please note that there will be no hybrid events for events at the UN Headquarters.

Technical requirements 
Laptops, desktop computers, and interpretation services are not provided at any of the events. Note that alphabet conference rooms do not have interpretation booths. Technical requirements such as webcast, microphones, recording, powerpoint presentations, online/hybrid participation, and interpretation booths must be addressed from the onset to be assigned conference rooms equipped with these needs.  

The standard rate for equipment and conference room usage at the UN premises has increased. For any changes or cancellations to conference room requests received beyond the deadline, organizers will be held liable for any additional costs.   

Please note that organizers will be billed through their BP (Business Partner) number accounts created with the UN. Payments must be made prior to the side event. Payments in the form of cash or credit cards or checks will not be accepted on the day of your event.  

For first-time side event organizers, be advised that you will be required to create a BP number to hold a side event in UNHQ. Further instructions on how to create an account to follow.  

For Member States, UN entities, and other organizers who already have existing BP numbers, no further action will be required. However, you will need to provide your BP number for billing purposes.  

For queries relating to side events, please email Ms Bertha Bravo ( with the subject "UNPFII Side Events Query".

Side events (held outside UN premises):

Please be informed that side events held off-site (outside UN premises) will not be required to register by the 12 March 2025 deadline. This deadline only pertains to side events that will be held on UN premises.

Kindly note that organizers holding their side events outside UN premises still need to be accredited to the UNPFII and be thematically related to the 24th Session of UNPFII for their side events to be published on our webpage.

Should you wish to be included in the list of side events held outside UN premises, please submit the following information to Subject External UNPFII side event info for distribution

Name/Title of Event:



Venue (address):


Interpretation available in (indicate languages):

Contact Person:

Contact Email Address:


Link to event/webpage:

The organizations of the United Nations system are committed to enabling events taking place in an inclusive, respectful and safe environment. All participants of the UNPFII, in-person and online, and any contributions they make, must comply with the United Nations Code of Conduct.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)?

The UNPFII is one of three UN mechanisms specifically addressing Indigenous Peoples' issues, focusing on economic and social development, culture, education, environment, health, and human rights. 

2. What is the theme of the UNPFII 2025 Session? 

The theme is "Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples within United Nations Member States and the United Nations system, including identifying good practices and addressing challenges”.

3. When and where will the UNPFII 2025 Session take place? 

The session will be held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 21 April to 2 May 2025 in Conference Room 4. 

4. Where is the opening ceremony? 

The opening of the twenty-fourth session of the Permanent Forum will take place in the General Assembly Hall on 21 April 2025 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. You can access the GA Hall from 10 a.m. using the ceremonial stairs or the elevator.  

5. Who can participate in the UNPFII 2025 Session? 

Member States, UN and intergovernmental organizations, Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations (IPOs), accredited academics, and NGOs in consultative status  with ECOSOC can participate. Indigenous youth who are  18 years of age and below, can apply to participate, following the steps on this website. 

6. How can I register my organization for the UNPFII 2025 Session? 

Registration is open in two stages. 

The first stage is for organizations participating for the first time and not accredited in the iCSO system from 3 February to 14 February 2025. 

The second stage will open from 24 February to 21 March 2025 in INDICO system, for organizations who have previously  been accredited and participated and organizations from the first stage who have been   approved. Late registrations cannot be accepted. Visit the 'Registration' tab on this website for detailed instructions. 

7. Who will approve your individual delegate  registration? 

To proceed to the second stage of registration, individual participants from  accredited organizations will be approved  by your organization’s designated focal point in the INDICO system. After being approved, a confirmation letter will be generated automatically.  

8. Who are the focal points? 

Each organization must designate a focal point in iCSO. 

9. What are the collection procedures for UN grounds passes? 

Those delegates pre-registered and approved can collect their passes during specified times that will be announced. Please bring confirmation letters and valid forms of identification (passport/ID). 

10. Are there fees for participating in UNPFII sessions? 

The United Nations does not charge fees for participation. Participants are responsible for their own expenses. 

11. How can participants with disabilities get assistance? 

Please contact the UN Accessibility Centre,, and the Secretariat through the email address  

12. What is the Programme of work for the UNPFII 2025 Session? 

The Programme of work details how each meeting will be organized. For the full programme please visit the Programme of Work tab on this website.  

13. How can participants speak at the Forum?  

To speak at the Forum, participants can engage through two opportunities outlined in the Programme of work: "Lists of Speakers" (for pre-registered observers) and "Interactive Dialogues" (open to everyone). 

Lists of Speakers: Available to registered observers, all participants except Academia can register to speak on agenda items 3, 4, 5 (d) afternoon meeting, 5 (g), and 6. The speakers will rotate among Member States, accredited Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations, and UN agencies with ECOSOC accredited NGOs as time permits.

Each speaker can speak once per agenda item, limited to 3 minutes. Venue to be confirmed. 

Interactive Dialogues: For agenda items 5(a), 5(b), 5(c), 5(d) morning meeting, 5(e), and 5(f), there is no pre- established speaker list. Observers can request the floor at the beginning of each session by raising their hand and pressing the microphone button. Interventions may  be limited to three minutes, or less.

14. How are seating arrangements organized during sessions? 

The first two rows are reserved for Forum Members, panel speakers, Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, EMRIP members, and Indigenous Parliamentarians.

Seats for Indigenous Peoples Organizations will be designated with nameplates. Please use these seats only.

During the opening meeting on the morning of 21 April, seating will also be available for Indigenous Peoples Organizations in the General Assembly Hall on a first-come first-served basis. Please be seated behind the nameplate “Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations”. 

15. Are there side events during the UNPFII 2025 Session? 

Yes, side events organized by   accredited organizations will take place. Some side events will take place within the Conference building, while others will be held at external venues. Please refer to the list of side events published on this website above, for more information.

Registration for side events runs from 24 February to 12 March 2025.  

16. How can the media attend the session? 

Accredited media can attend. Journalists without UN credentials must apply online. Plenary sessions will be broadcast online, and there will be an Indigenous Media Zone during the first week. 

17. What is the Indigenous Media Zone? 

The “Indigenous Media Zone” (IMZ), organized in coordination with the Department of Global Communication and Cultural Survival, aims to provide a space for Indigenous and mainstream media channels and platforms to cover the 24th Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Non-Indigenous media are welcome to join. 

It will be located in the UN Correspondents Association Room (3rd floor, Secretariat building, S-310) during the first week of the session. 

For more information, and to register and request a time slot for an interview once the registration window opens,  please see our website.   

18. What do I need to do if I am delivering a statement? 

Participants who will deliver statements at the plenary meetings are requested to send a copy (in both PDF and Microsoft Word formats) to no later than two hours in advance of the delivery of the statement. The name of the meeting and the speaker, as well as the agenda item, should be clearly indicated in the subject line of the email and in the heading of the statement. This is important to ensure accurate interpretation and also serves as a record of your statement.  Please deliver your statement at a normal pace designed to finish within a 3-minute time limit.

19. Does the UN assist with travel to New York? 

Travel arrangements, including visa procedures, are the responsibility of participating organizations. The United Nations will send a confirmation letter to pre-registered representatives to the email address registered in the INDICO system, which can be used for visa requests. 

20. Where can I find all relevant documents and information? 

All official UN documents, including the agenda and program, are available on this website in all UN languages.

Other Events

Global Indigenous Women's Caucus

  • Friday 18 April 2025- time TBC
  • Venue: TBC

Global Indigenous Peoples Caucus

  • Saturday 19 April to Sunday 20 April 2025 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Venue: The Church Center- 777 United Nations Plaza, 2nd floor, New York, NY 10017.

The Indigenous Peoples Craft Fair

  • Wednesday 23 April 2024, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Venue: The Church Center- 777 United Nations Plaza, 2nd floor, New York, NY 10017.

Given that the United Nations relies on the cooperation of the people whom it serves and that everyone, individually and in association with others, has the right to unhindered access to and  communication with the Organization, the Permanent Forum urges Indigenous Peoples to report on threats, human rights abuses and reprisals for participating in the Forum to OHCHR at