
UNPFII Eighteenth Session: 22 April – 3 May 2019

UNPFII Eighteenth Session18th Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)

Date: 22 April – 3 May 2019

Location: United Nations Headquarters, New York

Theme: “Traditional knowledge: Generation, transmission and protection”

Report of the 18th Session of the Permanent ForumE/2019/43

Attendance at the 18th Session of the Permanent Forum: | English only



Expert Group Meeting

EGM on “Conservation and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
23–25 January 2019
Nairobi, Kenya

Meeting report: E/C.19/2019/7  | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |

Preparatory meeting of Permanent Forum Members

18–19 April 2019
United Nations Headquarters, New York


Provisional Agenda

Provisional agenda  | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |

Agenda Items

  1. Election of officers.
  2. Adoption of the agenda and organization of work.
  3. Follow-up to the recommendations of the Permanent Forum.
  4. Implementation of the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum with reference to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
  5. Discussion on the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages
  6. Dialogue with indigenous peoples: Collective rights to lands territories and resources.
  7. Dialogue with Member States.
  8. Dialogue with funds, programmes and specialized agencies of the United Nations system.
  9. Discussion on the theme “Traditional knowledge: Generation, transmission and protection”.
  10. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  11. Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples and the Chair of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
  12. Follow-up to the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples:
    1. Implementation of national action plans, strategies and other measures;
    2. Ways to enhance the participation of indigenous peoples at the United Nations;
    3. Implementation of the United Nations system-wide action plan on indigenous peoples.
  13. Regional dialogues between indigenous peoples and Member States.
  14. Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues.
  15. Provisional agenda for the nineteenth session.
  16. Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its eighteenth session.
Programme of work / concept notes

Proposed organization of work  | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |


Download the Calendar of meetings for the two weeks of the Permanent Forum



First Week

10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

1 – 3 p.m.

3 – 6 p.m.
WEEK 1 Monday


22 April

GA Hall 


11:00 Opening Ceremony programme

Performance by Sjisäwishék ‘Keeping the fire strong’, indigenous girls of the Onondaga Nation, Haudenoaunee Confederacy

Declaration of the opening of the session by the Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development and Chief Economist, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Elliott Harris 

Ceremonial welcome by the traditional Chief of the Onondaga Nation, Tadodaho Sid Hill

Election of officers (Item 1)

Statement by the President of the 73th session of the General Assembly, H.E. Ms. María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés (statement) (video)

Statement by the Vice-President of the Economic and Social Council, H.E. Mr. Omar Hilale (Morocco)

Adoption of the agenda and organization of work (Item 2)

Statement by the Chair of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Ms. Anne Nuorgam (statement)

Message of the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Mr. Liu Zhenmin delivered by Mr. Elliott Harris, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development and Chief Economist (statement)

Statement by the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Cristiana Paşca Palmer (statement)

Side events Conference Room 4



Item 5: Discussion on the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages

[Speakers’ list]


23 April

Conference Room 4



Item 9: Special theme: “Indigenous peoples’ Traditional knowledge, generation, transmission and protection”

[Speakers’ list]
Side events Conference Room 4


Item 9: (Continued) Special theme: “Indigenous peoples’ Traditional knowledge, generation, transmission and protection”

[Speakers’ list]

Item 14: Future Work (Aprox.: 5:15 pm)

[Speakers list]


24 April

Conference Room 4



Item 11: Human rights. Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

[Speakers’ list]
Side events Conference Room 4



Item 11: (Continued) Human rights. Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Chair of Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and others

[Speakers’ list]


25 April

Conference Room 4



Item 3: Follow up to the recommendations of the Forum

[Speaker’s list]


Item 4: Implementation of the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum

[Speakers’ list]

PGA Consultation on Participation of Indigenous Peoples (CR 1)

Side events Conference Room 6


(Closed meeting of PFII Members only)



PGA Consultation on Participation of Indigenous Peoples (CR 1)



  26 April

Conference Room 4



Item 12: Follow-up to the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples

[Speakers’ list]

Item 10: 2030 Development Agenda

Side events Conference Room 4



Item 6: Dialogue with indigenous peoples

[Closed Meeting]

(Interactive Dialogue – PFII Members and indigenous peoples only)



Second week

10 a.m. – 10 p.m.

  1 – 3 p.m.

3 – 6 p.m.
WEEK 2 Monday


29 April


Conference Room 6

Item 8: Dialogue with UN Agencies, funds and programmes and inter-governmental entities.

[Closed Meeting]

(Interactive Dialogue of PFII Members & UN entities/IASG only)

Side events


Conference Room 4

Item 7: Dialogue with Member States

[Closed Meeting]

(Interactive Dialogue of PFII Members and Member States only)



30 April


Conference Room 6

Closed meeting

(Closed Meeting of PFII Members only)

Side events


Item 13: Regional Dialogues between indigenous peoples and Member States

  • Africa, Conference Room 6

(UN agencies are welcome to attend)



1 May


Conference Room 4

Item 4(continued) Implementation of 6 mandated areas

[Speakers’ list]

(Simultaneous): Conference Room 6
Thematic discussion on Conservation

Side events


Item 13: Regional Dialogues between indigenous peoples and Member States (simultaneous):

(UN agencies are welcome to attend)



2 May


Item 13: Regional Dialogues between indigenous peoples and Member States (simultaneous)

(UN agencies are welcome to attend)

Side events


Item 13: Regional Dialogues between indigenous peoples and Member States (simultaneous)

  • Eastern Europe, Russian Federation, Central Asia & Transcaucasia, Conference Room 6
    Concept Note
  • Pacific, Conference Room 9
    Concept Note

(UN agencies are welcome to attend)



    3 May


Conference Room 6

Closed Meeting

(Closed Meeting of PFII Members only)

Side events


Conference Room 4

Item 15: Provisional Agenda for 2020 session

Item 16: Adoption of report of 2019 session

Closing of the Session.


Submitted by the Secretariat of the UNPFII:

  • Provisional Agenda:  | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • Proposed Organization of Work: | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • E/C.19/2019/2 Update on the Indigenous Peoples and the 2030 Agenda Note by the Secretariat: | AR EN ES FR RU ZH |
  • E/C.19/2019/3 System-Wide Action Plan on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Implementation by the United Nations System: Note by the Secretariat: | AR EN ES FR RU ZH |
  • E/C.19/2019/4 Update on the activities of the members of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the Indigenous Peoples and Development Branch | AR EN ES FR RU ZH |
  • E/C.19/2019/5 Eighteenth Session Theme – Traditional Knowledge Generation, Transmission and Protection | AR EN ES FR RU ZH |
  • E/C.19/2019/6 Update on the Promotion and Application of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples | AR EN ES FR RU ZH |
  • E/C.19/2019/7 International Expert Group Meeting on the Theme “Conservation and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”  | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • E/C.19/2019/9 Study on Tuberculosis and Indigenous Peoples by Mariam Wallet Aboubakrine  | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |

Conference Room Papers:

Responses to the questionnaire submitted by the UN System:

  • United Nations International Childrens’ Fund (UNICEF): | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • Food and Agriculture Administration (FAO): | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • Department of Global Communications (DGC): | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • Department of Political Affairs(DPA): | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • International Labour Organization(ILO): | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD):| AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD): | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • United Nations Climate Change (UNFCCC): | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • OHCHR Indigenous Peoples and Minorities Section (OHCHR-IPMS): | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • United Nations Development Program (UNDP): | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO): | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA): | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC): | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO): | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • UN Environment: |EN|
  • UN HABITAT: | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR): | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • UN Women: | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • UN Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO): | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |

Pre-registration is now CLOSED.

Participants whose registration has been approved need to register in person and pick up their grounds pass that allows access to UN Headquarters.

If you have registered but have not been approved, then contact the Conference Focal Point of your organization.

Registration is in the UN Pass and ID Office at 320 E. 45th Street (between 1st and 2nd Avenues).

Please bring the following documents:

  • A copy of the confirmation letter
  • A valid government-issued photo ID (such as a passport, driver’s license, etc.)

Registration time:

Sunday, 21 April 12 pm – 4 pm
Monday, 22 April 8 am – 4 pm
Tuesday, 23 April 9 am – 4 pm
Wednesday, 24 April 9 am – 4 pm
Thursday, 25 April 9 am – 4 pm
Friday, 26 April 9 am – 3 pm
Monday, 29 April 9 am – 11 am
Tuesday, 30 April 9 am – 11 am
Wednesday, 1 May 9 am – 11 am
Side Events

Several side events take place at lunch time, evenings and during closed meetings of the Permanent Forum both on and off UNHQ premises. They are organized by Indigenous Peoples Organizations, Member States, UN entities, intergovernmental organizations, NGOs and others.

Requests to hold a side event have now CLOSED.

Side Events at the United Nations Headquarters:

Side Events outside the United Nations Headquarters:

To download a map with all event locations during the 18th Session of the Permanent Forum, click here: UNPFII Session Map

Side event organizers for approved side events are contacted directly. If you are not contacted please understand that we cannot unfortunately accommodate your event due to limited capacity.

Please note the following important information:

  • Organizations convening side-events and all co-sponsors need to be accredited to participate in the Session of the Permanent Forum.
  • Organizations must bear ALL costs incurred for technical services, equipment and security provided, unless otherwise indicated in their application form. Each Conference Room includes a Power Point projector and screen, as well as audio and microphones (all per request).
  • Side-event organizers should bring their own laptop computers with appropriate adapters (VGA or HDMI cables) for Power Point presentations and other audio/visual media.
  • Refreshments are optional. Side-event organizers should contact the Official UN Caterer, Culinart Group ( or for more information. Food is not allowed in Conference Rooms, but only in areas designated by Culinart.
  • For Live Webcasting/Audio recording services, please contact Valerie Justin ( Additional costs involved.

Flyer: How to book an event for live and on-demand webcast coverage on UN Web TV

How to get the most from your side-event:

  • Partner with Governments, UN agencies and civil society organizations.
  • Provide detailed information about your side-event on your website and send us the link for us to post on our website.
  • Prepare flyers for your side-event and make the Permanent Forum Session.
  • Network with other NGOs and delegates and invite them to attend your event.
  • After your event, send us a short summary (150 words) to include on our website.


  • No items are to be sold on the premises of the United Nations.
  • No luggage is permitted on the United Nations premises.
  • No items are to be affixed to any walls, doors or painted surfaces by any means.
  • The United Nations will not be responsible for damage to or theft of personal items.
  • Cooperation with the UN Security Service and other Secretariat staff is highly required.
  • When materials are brought into or removed from the United Nations, measures must be taken to ensure that the floors, walls, door frames of the area are not damaged, e.g., no heavy loads should be dragged across the floor; dollies should have rubber, not metal wheels.
Other Events/Caucuses

Friday, April 19, 2019 – Global Indigenous Women’s Caucus Consultation Meeting – 2nd Floor – 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Church Center for the UN


Saturday, April 20, 2019 / Sunday, April 21, 2019 –  Global Indigenous Caucus Meeting – 2nd Floor – 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. – Church Center for the UN.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019 – Exhibit and Sale of Indigenous Peoples’ Craft – 2nd Floor – 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. – Church Center for the UN (Note: Due to limited space each country will be allowed (1) table for the sale of the craft.

Media and Outreach Materials

Press Release for the 18th Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

18th Session UNPFII resources Trello Board


Indigenous Media Zone Draft Programme UNPFII2019

Where: United Nations Correspondents Association Lounge Secretariat Building, 3rd Floor

When: Monday 22 April – Friday 26 April from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Indigenous media groups are invited to participate in the Indigenous Media Zone at UNHQ during the first week of the forum.  The Indigenous Media Zone aims to provide a space for indigenous and mainstream media to cover the session through their own media channels and worldviews, perspectives and languages and organize their own media events.

We would like to design the events of the programme in collaboration with indigenous media groups and networks, so we invite you to present proposals for media events/panels and interviews you could manage at the Media Zone.

The programme in the Media Zone will include:

  • Live interviews, press conferences and discussions with indigenous experts, human rights defenders and other participants.
  • Workspace for indigenous media, including live stream of official UNPFII sessions. Space to interact with speakers and conduct interviews.
  • Social Media: blogging and coverage of UNPFII Session through social media.

The zone will not be open for regular participants at the UNPFII Session.

For more information or any questions, please email


Backgrounder: Conservation and Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples (English)  (Russian)  (Spanish)

Backgrounder: Traditional Knowledge (English)  (Russian)  (Spanish)

Important information regarding Media Accreditation

Journalists without UN credentials who wish to attend the UNPFII sessions  with professional equipment should submit an online application on the Web site of the Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit: They will need to upload a letter of assignment on official letterhead from a bone fide media organization, signed by publisher, assignment editor or bureau chief, saying that the journalist is assigned to cover the UNPFII session. Approved applicants will receive an email confirmation with instructions for picking up the credentials.

Individuals with NGO accreditation will not be issued press credentials. Letters of assignment from NGOs will not be accepted for press credentials.

Without media accrediation, indigenous community media will not be able to bring professional cameras and equipment in to the United Nations.

Videos and Meetings Coverage of the 18th Session of the PFII

Find the whole list of meetings coverage of the 18th session here.


Opening Ceremony of the 18th Session


  • Plenary 2 – Discussion on the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages – Item 5
  • Plenary 3 – Discussion on the theme “Traditional knowledge: generation, transmission and protection” – Item 9
  • Plenary 4 – Discussion on the theme “Traditional knowledge: generation, transmission and protection” – Item 9 (continued)
  • Plenary 5 – Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples and the Chair of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – Item 11
  • Plenary 6 – Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples and the Chair of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – Item 11 (continued)
  • Plenary 7 – Follow-up on the recommendations of the Permanent Forum – Item 3 / Implementation of the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum with reference to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – Item 4
  • Plenary 9 – Follow-up to the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples – Item 12 / 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – Item 10
  • Plenary 15 – Implementation of the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum with reference to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – Item 4 / Follow-up to the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples – Item 12

Side events

Informal interactive hearing with indigenous peoples (25 April 2019)

Other videos from the 18th Session

PGA Informal Interactive Hearing with Indigenous Peoples

President of the General Assembly Informal Interactive Hearing with Indigenous Peoples

On Thursday 25 April 2019, the President of the General Assembly, H.E. Ms Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garces, conducted the second of three (2018, 2019, 2020) informal interactive hearings to reflect on possible further measures necessary to enhance the participation of indigenous peoples’ representatives and institutions in relevant United Nations meetings on issues affecting them. This hearing was requested by the General Assembly in its resolution A/RES/71/321 and was open to indigenous participants accredited to attend the 2019 session of the Permanent Forum.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

My organization is interested in attending the next session of the Permanent Forum. Can we participate?

Participation in Permanent Forum sessions is open to indigenous peoples’ organizations, NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC and academic institutions. All participants need to pre-register for the sessions of the Permanent Forum. The sessions of the Permanent Forum tend to take place in April or May each year. Online pre-registration begins in January or February on the website of the Permanent Forum. Pre-registration closes about 2-4 weeks before the session starts.

My organization attended previous sessions of the Forum. Do we still need to pre-register?

Yes. All accredited organizations interested in attending the next session of the Forum are invited to pre-register. In addition, all representatives of accredited organizations are requested to register at their arrival at the United Nations before attending the session.

My organization enjoys consultative status with ECOSOC, but we have not received an invitation to attend sessions of the Permanent Forum. How can we pre-register?

All interested NGOs in consultative status should use the online pre-registration system to apply to attend the session.

Can representatives of  IPOs and NGOs attend sessions of the Permanent Forum without pre-registration

We do not encourage attendance of sessions of the Permanent Forum without pre-registration. All participants, including those from organizations enjoying consultative status with ECOSOC and holding annual ground-passes, are strongly encouraged to pre-register and register at the site of sessions of the Permanent Forum. The United Nations Secretariat will not be in a position to register participants who did not pre-register before the opening of the session.

Can my organization make a statement at the Permanent Forum session?

During previous sessions the Permanent Forum, representatives of NGOs and indigenous peoples organizations have made presentations. Most of the organizations that have addressed the Forum do not enjoy consultative status. In other words, all participants registered to attend the session may make oral presentations, depending on availability of time.

Will the United Nations help me with my visa to New York?

Arrangements for travel, including visa procedures, accommodation and transportation are the responsibility of IPOs, NGOs and other interested organizations. Representatives of participating organizations need to deal directly with United States embassies/consulates in their countries of residence regarding visa issues. The United Nations will send a confirmation letter to IPO or NGO representatives once they have been pre-registered. This confirmation letter may be used by IPO or NGO representatives to request a visa from United States authorities. If necessary, the Division for Social Policy and Development will assist in providing information regarding the status of NGOs and IPOs at the request of American authorities. However, the United Nations does not send unsolicited correspondence to United States embassies/consulates to validate a request made by an NGO or IPO representative to obtain a visa.

Does the United Nations provide funding for IPOs and NGOs to attend the Forum?

The only UN source of funding for travel to participate in the sessions of the Permanent Forum is the Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations. Please note that applications close in October of the year preceding the Permanent Forum’s Session.

Can my organization make a statement at the Permanent Forum session?

During previous sessions the Permanent Forum, representatives of NGOs and organizations of indigenous populations have made presentations. Most of the organizations that addressed the Forum do not enjoy consultative status. In other words, all participants registered to attend the session may make oral presentations, depending on availability of time.

Can I submit a written statement or report to the Permanent Forum?

Indigenous organizations and NGOs have occasionally submitted reports to the Permanent Forum in the past. If your organization is interested in doing so, then you are advised to contact the Secretariat of the Permanent Forum and discuss the possibility of submitting such a report. The deadline for these reports/statements is 31 January of each year.

For further information about submitting reports, see the below excerpt form ECOSOC resolution 1996/31.

Logistical Information

Logistical Information
Please click here for information regarding accommodation and transportation in New York City.

Travel and Visa Information
Arrangements for travel, including visa procedures, accommodation and transportation are the responsibility of NGOs and IPOs and other interested organizations. Representatives of participating organizations must deal directly with United States consulates in their countries of residence regarding visa issues. The United Nations will send a confirmation letter to NGO and IPO representatives once they have been pre-registered. This confirmation letter may be used by NGO and IPO representatives to request a visa from American authorities.

The only UN source of funding for travel to participate in the sessions of the Permanent Forum is the Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations, which is managed by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Please note that applications close in October of the year preceding the Permanent Forum’s Session. Please click here for more details.