
UNPFII Recommendations Database

UN MeetingOver the course of its annual sessions, the Permanent Forum has made a significant number of recommendations to Member States, the UN system, international financial institutions, intergovernmental organizations, the private sector, media, civil society, and Indigenous Peoples organizations. With each passing year, the number of recommendations has grown and therefore necessitated the development of a database to monitor their status of implementation. The Secretariat of the Permanent Forum has developed a monitoring mechanism based on annual reports received from Member States and the UN system. The status of implementation of recommendations from the previous sessions is available below.


>>> UNPFII Recommendations Database <<<

In addition to the recommendation database, an analysis of the recommendations of the Permanent Forum at its first three sessions was submitted to the Forum at its Fifth Session in May 2006.

Analysis and State of implementation of recommendations of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues at its first to third sessions.

All UNPFII recommendations are contained in the Reports of the Permanent Forum, which can be found here.