
Chair of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues presents Report of the 21st Session to the Economic and Social Council

26 July 2022

The report of the 21st session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (2022) was presented by the Chair of the Forum to the Economic and Social Council Management Meeting on 22 July 2022.

Click here to read the report.

Website of the 21st session of the PFII.

Dario Mejia Montalvo, Chair of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, introduced the body’s report on its twenty-first session (document E/2022/43), held from 25 April to 6 May.  The report contains analyses, recommendations and initiatives on the realities of Indigenous Peoples under the session’s theme “Indigenous peoples, business, autonomy and the human rights principles of due diligence including free, prior and informed consent”. 

Among the Forum’s successes, the Chair pointed to a draft General Recommendation on the rights of Indigenous women and girls by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, soon to be adopted.  In addition, Member States adopted the Forum’s recommendation to establish 2022-2032 as the Decade on Indigenous Languages

The Council adopted draft decisions on: “Venue and dates for the twenty-second session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues”; holding an international expert group meeting on the theme: “Truth, transitional justice and reconciliation processes”; and the provisional agenda for its twenty-second session, including the theme: “Indigenous peoples, human health, planetary and territorial health and climate change: a rights-based approach”.

Coverage of the meeting is available here. A recording of the meeting is also available here.       

To read the full statement of the Chair, please click here.


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