
Letter to co-chairs of post-2015 development agenda process

18 May 2015

Megan Davis, Director of the Indigenous Law Centre in Australia and Rapporteur of this year's Forum, addresses the Eleventh Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, “The Doctrine of Discovery: Its Enduring Impact on Indigenous Peoples and the Right to Redress for Past Conquests". UN Photo/Devra Berkowitz  On 18 May 2015, the chairperson of the Permanent Forum, Megan Davis, sent a letter to the co-chairs of the process to formulate the post-2015 development agenda. The letter followed up on a meeting of 28 April 2015 between co-chair H.E. Richard Donoghue of Ireland and Permanent Forum members Joan Carling, Ed John and Mohammad Hassani Nejad Pirkouhi.

In the letter, the Permanent Forum emphasized that the post-2015 develop agenda should reflect the issues of central importance to Indigenous Peoples, that is: commitments for protection of Indigenous Peoples’ rights to land, territories and natural resources; for strengthening their self-determination, autonomy and self-governance, as well as for their participation in national decision-making processes concerning development. The Permanent Forum also provided specific proposals for language on Indigenous Peoples to be included in the political declaration of the agenda, as well as made recommendations on the development of indicators to measure progress of implementation of the agenda for Indigenous Peoples.

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