
Inter-Agency Support Group (IASG)

Inter-Agency Support Group (IASG)

The Inter-Agency Support Group (IASG) on Indigenous Issues was established to support and promote the mandate of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues within the United Nations system.

The IASG was initiated during the informal meetings of UN system entities during the drafting process of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (circa 1994).   ILO and OHCHR took the lead in organizing informal meetings to share information among the UN system agencies, funds and programmes participating at the Working Group on Indigenous Populations in Geneva.  This included, among others, the ILO, OHCHR, World Bank, UNESCO, WHO, WIPO and others.

When the first session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues was held in April 2002, at UNHQ in New York, the agencies provided support including through staff/consultants who helped organize the two-week session. The IASG was formalized by the PFII at its 2nd session as follows:

The Forum expresses its satisfaction that the Inter-Agency Support Group has met since the first session of the Forum to organize its input to the second session, and expresses appreciation to the ILO and the World Bank for having convened the Group. The Forum requests the Group to extend its membership to other United Nations system entities so as to promote the largest possible participation of the system in the work programme of the Forum, and requests the secretariat of the Forum to provide substantive support to the rotating Chair of the Group. The Forum also expresses appreciation for the active participation of agency focal points in a constructive dialogue during its second session, and expresses the hope that focal points will continue to participate at its third session.  

The main objectives of the UN Inter-agency support group are:

  1. to provide an opportunity for the exchange of information in regards to their work on indigenous issues;
  2. strengthen inter-agency cooperation to promote the human rights and well-being of indigenous peoples including the dissemination and implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;
  3. analyze, disseminate and contribute to the implementation of the recommendations of the Forum;
  4. interact with the Forum and its members to provide and seek information, advice and substantive inputs; and
  5. advise in the mainstreaming of indigenous peoples issues within the UN system, and strengthen mutual collaboration.

2024 SWAP Report

E/C.19/2024/2 Indigenous Peoples and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and implementation of the system-wide action plan for ensuring a coherent approach to achieving the ends of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Note by the Secretariat AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH 

Questionnaire for the UN System 2023

The Indigenous Peoples Development Branch/Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues invites UN system agencies, funds and programmes and other intergovernmental organizations to complete the attached questionnaire on any action taken or planned in response to the Permanent Forum’s recommendations, the system-wide action plan on rights of indigenous peoples (SWAP) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in preparation for the 2024 UNPFII session.

Questionnaire to UN Entities Final 2023

CEB Call to Action

CEB: Call to Action 

Building an Inclusive, Sustainable and Resilient Future with Indigenous Peoples: A Call To Action

IASG and the SWAP

In 2015, the IASG finalised the system-wide action plan for ensuring a coherent approach within the United Nations to achieving the ends of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The system-wide action plan was requested in the Outcome Document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (2014). It was developed by the IASG over 10 months, in consultation with indigenous peoples, members states, UN agencies and other stakeholders. The Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon shared the system-wide action plan with heads of UN system agencies at the meeting of the United Nations Chief Executives Board in November 2015.

The IASG members are now in the process of implementing the SWAP. For instance, the UN Department of Global Communications (UN DGC) is leading an IASG working group on SWAP Action Element 1 related to awareness-raising on the rights of indigenous peoples. The group has a joint communication strategy, with key outreach resources from the UN system available on this TRELLO board.

IASG Chair

The IASG Chair rotates annually and has been held by the ILO, the World Bank, WIPO, UNDP, IFAD, FILAC, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD), UNESCO, UNEP and UN-HABITAT, WHO, UNFPA, UN Women, OHCHR, UNICEF and FAO and ILC. In 2023 the IASG is co-chaired by UNESCO. UNDESA/DISD/IPDB-SPFII is a permanent co-chair.

UNPFII Session Reports

UNPFII Session Reports

  • UNPFII 22nd Session Report: | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • UNPFII 21st Session Report: | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH 
  • UNPFII 20th Session Report: | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • E/C.19/2019/3 System-Wide Action Plan on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Implementation by the United Nations System: Note by the Secretariat: | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • E/C.19/2018/3 Compilation of information received from agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations System and other intergovernmental bodies on progress in the implementation of the recommendations of the permanent forum on indigenous issues | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH |
  • E/C.19/2017/2 SPFII Report 2017: Implementation of the United Nations system-wide action plan on indigenous peoples |EN ES FR RU |
  • E/C.19/2016/5 System-wide action plan for ensuring a coherent approach to achieving the ends of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples  AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • E/C.19/2015/7 Report of the IASG annual meeting for 2014
  • E/C.19/2014/9 Report of the IASG annual meeting for 2013
  • E/C.19/2013/4 Report of the IASG annual meeting for 2012
  • E/C.19/2012/11 Report of the IASG annual meeting for 2011
  • E/C.19/2011/10 Report of the IASG annual meeting for 2010
  • E/C.19/2010/8 Report of the IASG annual meeting for 2009
  • E/C.19/2009/11 Report of the IASG annual meeting for 2008
  • E/C.19/2008/6 Report of the IASG annual meeting for 2007
  • E/C.19/2007/2 Report of the IASG annual meeting for 2006
  • E/C.19/2007/2/Add.1 Report of the IASG on the special theme: “Territories, lands and natural resources” (Addendum)
  • E/C.19/2006/3 Report of the IASG annual meeting for 2005
  • E/C.19/2006/3/Add.1 Report of the IASG on the special theme: “The Millennium Development Goals and indigenous peoples: redefining the Goals”
  • E/C.19/2005/2 Report of the IASG annual meeting for 2004
  • E/C.19/2004/11 Report of the IASG on free, prior and informed consent
  • E/C.19/2003/4 Report of the IASG annual meeting for 2003
  • E/CN.19/2002/2 Report of the IASG annual meeting for 2002

Reports by Agency

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2004 |

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |

Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)

2015 | 2013 | 2009 | 2008 | 2005 |

International Finance Corporation (IFC)

2014 |

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 |

International Labour Organization (ILO)

2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 |

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

2016Annex 1, Annex 2 (Spanish only) | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 |

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS)

2011 | 2006 |

Office of the High Commissionner on Human Rights (OHCHR)

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2002 |

Office of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide

2015 |

Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children

2016 |

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

2016 | 2013 |

Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

2015 |

Secretariat of the Convention on Biodiversity (SCBD)

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2007 | 2005 | 2002 |

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

2013 | 2006 |

United Nations Department of Political Affairs (DPA)

2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 |

United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI)

2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2004 |

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)

2014 |

United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | Spanish only | 2007 | 2004 |

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

2015 | 2014 (missing)| 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007Add. | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 |

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 | 2004 |

United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF)

2008 |

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

2011 | 2009 | 2005 |

United Nations Global Compact

2015 |

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

2002 |

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN–Habitat)

2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |

United Nations Information Centres (UNIC)

2012 |

United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

2008 |

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

|| 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2004 | 2002 |

World Bank

2002 |

World Food Programme (WFP)

2015 | 2014 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 |

World Health Organization (WHO)

2015 | 2011 | 2010 | 2006 | 2005 | 2003 | 2002 |

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |

World Trade Organization (WTO)

2005 | 2002 |

IASG Guidance Notes and Statements
  • Indigenous peoples and COVID-19: A Guidance Note for the UN System, UN Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Issues:  English | Spanish French
  • Supporting the knowledge of indigenous peoples: Global initiatives and response (April 2019) |EN|
Agencies' Publications

The IASG Agencies, in order to highlight their support of indigenous issues as well as their outreach efforts, publish series of handbooks, training materials, publications and other educational tools. To learn more, please click on the following agencies links:


Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) – Main website

Indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants – Sub-site

  • Progress Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group for the Preparation of a Proposal on the Indicators for Regional Follow-Up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development (16 August 2016) |ENES| – Refer to Chapter H: Indigenous peoples: interculturalism and rights, Pg. 34
  • Sistema de Indicadores Sociodemográfico de Poblaciones y Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina (2015) – SISPPI |ES|
  • Sistema de Indicadores Sociodemográfico de Poblaciones y Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina – SISPPI (Guía para el usuario) |ES|
  • Study “Los pueblos indígenas en América Latina: avances en el último decenio y retos pendientes para la garantía de sus derechos” (November 2014) |ES|
  • Infographics “Indigenous Peoples in Latin America” (September 2014) |ESEN|
  • Montevideo consensus on population and development (August 2013) |ENES| – Refer to Chapter H. Indigenous peoples: interculturalism and rights, Pg. 30
  • Caja de herramientas para la inclusión de pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes en los censos de población y vivienda (December 2011) |ES|
  • Handbook “Recomendaciones para los censos de la década de 2010 en América Latina” (August 2011) |ES|
  • Seminar – Workshop “Censos 2010 y la inclusión del enfoque étnico: hacia una construcción participativa con pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes de América Latina” (Septiembre 2009) |ES|


European Union – Main website

Human rights & Democracy: Indigenous Peoples – Sub-site

European Instrument for Democracy & Human Rights (EIDHR) – Sub-site

  • The European Consensus on Development (February 2006) |EN|

  • Policy “Implementing EU External Policy on Indigenous Peoples” (October 2016) |EN|


Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y El Caribe (FILAC)

  • Policy “Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y El Caribe”  (November 2012)|EN|


Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) – Main website

Indigenous peoples – Sub-site

  • Free Prior and Informed Consent: An indigenous peoples’ right and a good practice for local communities. Manual for project practitioners (2016) |ARENESFRRU|
  • Publication “FAO Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples” (2017) |EN|ES|FR|RU|
  • E-course on “Respecting Free, Prior and Informed Consent” January
  • FAO’s work on Indigenous People/Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity |ENESFR|
  • Electronic survey “International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)” (August 2016) |EN|
  • Infographics “Indigenous Peoples poster” (November 2016) |EN|
  • Infographics “Indigenous Peoples can feed the world” (October 2016) |EN|
  • Video “Indigenous Peoples can feed the world” (October 2016) |EN|
  • Video “Victoria Tauli-Corpuz on indigenous peoples and climate change” |EN|
  • Video “Día Mundial de la Alimentación 2016 – Panamá” (October 2016) |ES|
  • Video “How can Indigenous Peoples contribute to the world food security?” (September 2016) |EN|
  • Video “Proyecto Indígena, Panamá” (March 2016) |ES|
  • Video “Escuela de Liderazgo de Mujeres Indígenas” (March 2016) |ES|
  • Video “Indigenous women” (June 2016) |EN|
  • Video “Indigenous food systems” (June 2016) |EN|
  • Project “Using indigenous knowledge to reverse land degradation in Angola” |ARENESFRRUZH|
  • News article “Indigenous peoples central to efforts to combat climate change” (July 2016) |ENESFR|
  • News article “Putting indigenous peoples’ rights at the center of development” (October 2016) |ARENESFRRUZH|
  • Video “An indigenous perspective on the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines” (January 2017) |ENES|
  • Video “What are the main UN bodies mandated to focus on indigenous peoples?” (February 2017) |ENES|

More information on FAO’s Communication products can found here


Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) – Main website

IADB and Gender and Diversity – Sub-site

  • Policy “IADB Operational Policy on Indigenous Peoples and Strategy for Indigenous Development” (July 2006) |EN|


International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) – Main website

IFAD and Indigenous Peoples – Sub-site

Youth and indigenous peoples – Sub-site

IFAD’s Engagement with Indigenous Peoples: Evaluation Synthesis – Sub-site

  • Policy “Engagement with Indigenous Peoples” (November 2009) |EN|
  • Publication “A decade of IFAD’s engagement with indigenous peoples” (April 2017) |ENESFR|
  • Publication “Indigenous Peoples Glossary” (October 2016) |ENESFR|
  • Publication “The Traditional Knowledge Advantage: Indigenous peoples’ knowledge in climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies” (April 2016) |ENESFR|
  • Featured stories “The diversity of rural women” (March 2016) |EN|
  • Featured stories “Indigenous peoples are on the frontlines of climate change and food insecurity” (November 2011) |EN|
  • Events “Inauguration of the Indigenous Peoples’ Place” (February 2017) |EN|
  • Blog “What do rural youth want” (August 2016) |EN|
  • How to do notes “Seeking free, prior and informed consent in IFAD investment projects” (September 2015) |EN|ES|FR|
  • Infographic “IFAD’s Engagement with Indigenous Peoples – Evaluation Synthesis” |EN|
  • Tapping into the knowledge of indigenous peoples (February 2015) |EN|
  • Study “Custodians of culture and biodiversity: Indigenous peoples take charge of their challenges and opportunities” |ENES|


International Labour Organization (ILO) – Main website

ILO and Indigenous and Tribal Peoples – Sub-site

  • Publication “Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: From Victims to Change Agents through Decent Work” (April 2017)|EN|
  • Report “The labour situation of indigenous women in Peru: A study” (March 2017) |EN|
  • Report “The Rights of indigenous peoples in Asia” (March 2017) |EN|
  • Report “The Rights of indigenous peoples in Asia [Executive Summary]” (March 2017) |EN|
  • Publication “Procedures for consultations with indigenous peoples – Experiences from Norway” (November 2016) |EN|
  • Brief “Sustainable Development Goals: Indigenous Peoples in Focus” (July 2016) |ENFR|
  • Publication “A cooperative way for empowering indigenous peoples” (July 2016) |ENESFR|
  • Brochure “Indigenous peoples in Cameroon: a guide for media professionals” (December 2015) |ENFR|
  • Publication “Indigenous Peoples in the World of Work in Asia and the Pacific: A Status Report” (December 2015) |EN|
  • Report “Indigenous Persons with Disabilities: Access to Training and Employment” (August 2015) |ENepub|
  • Briefing note “Indigenous Peoples in the World of Work: Snapshots from Asia” (August 2015) |EN|
  • Fact sheet “Indigenous peoples in domestic work – Facing multiple discrimination and disadvantage” (August 2015) |EN|
  • Report “UNIPP Success Stories: Cooperating to promote and protect indigenous peoples’ rights” (May 2014) |EN|
  • Handbook “Understanding the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention” (February 2013) |ENESFR|
  • Working paper “Comparative analysis on the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention No. 169, UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act (IPRA) of the Philippines” (June 2012) |EN|
  • Working paper “Indigenous women workers – With case studies from Bangladesh, Nepal and the Americas” (February 2012) |EN|
  • Fact sheet “Guidelines for Combating Child Labour Among Indigenous and Tribal Peoples (ITPs)” (July 2011) |ENFR|
  • Policy brief “Unlocking indigenous peoples’ potential for sustainable rural development” (June 2011) |ENESFR|
  • Article “Indigenous women entrepreneurs in Papua GET Ahead” (May 2011) |ENESFR|
  • Article “Trade unions and indigenous communities combating forced labour in the Peruvian Amazon region” (December 2009) |ENESFR|
  • Book Overview report of the Research Project by the ILO and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the constitutional and legislative protection of the rights of indigenous peoples (October 2009) |EN|
  • Guide “Eliminating discrimination against indigenous and tribal peoples in employment and occupation” (February 2008) |ENESFR|
  • Article “Indigenous women overcome multiple obstacles” (March 2007) |EN|
  • Book Indigenous and tribal peoples. An ethnic audit of selected poverty reduction strategy papers (September 2005) |EN|
  • Working paper “Enganche y Servidumbre por Deudas en Bolivia” (January 2005) |ES|
  • Working paper “Servidumbre por Deudas y Marginación en el Chaco de Paraguay” (January 2005) |ES|
  • Working paper “El Trabajo Forzoso en la Extracción de la Madera en la Amazonía Peruana” (January 2005) |ES|
  • Paper “Of Peace-making and Basket-weaving: ILO Convention No. 169 and the Guatemala Peace Process” (December 2004) |EN|
  • Manual “ILO convention on indigenous and tribal peoples, 1989 (No. 169)” (December 2003)  |EN|
  • C107 – Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention, 1957 (No. 107)
  • C169 – Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169)


International Land Coalition – Main website

ILC and Indigenous Peoples – Sub-site

5. Secure territorial rights for Indigenous Peoples – Sub-site

  • Study “Indigenous Peoples Secretariat key ally in demarcation and titling of indigenous territories” (2014) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous Peoples and Natural Resource Management: Contributions of And Challenges Faced by Indigenous Peoples” (August 2015) |EN|
  • Article “Ogiek Indigenous Peoples win historic battle against government in African land rights case” (May 2017) |EN|
  • Study “Diálogo entre indígenas, criollos y Estado resuelve conflicto por la tierra” (2014) |ES|
  • Policy brief “Tested, cost-effective and practical: Securing the land rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities is a key solution to climate change” (2017) |ENESFR|
  • Article “370 million good reasons for putting indigenous peoples’ rights at the centre of the land agenda” (April 2013) |EN|
  • Policy “ILC’s Approach to Indigenous Peoples’ Issues” (2012) |ENESFR|
  • Article “Some reflections from our members on how our Coalition is supporting indigenous peoples” (August 2015) |EN|
  • Study “Indigenous communities successfully claim right to free, prior and informed consent” (2015) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous Peoples’ National Preparatory Meeting for COP21 and National Workshop on Climate Change and Dialogue with the Government of Bangladesh held in Dhaka” (September 2015) |EN|
  • Article “State protection on Indigenous Peoples land and human rights” (August 2015) |EN|
  • Study “Mobilisation, mapping and legal action help indigenous community oppose mining activities” (2016) |EN|
  • Article “ILC Capacity Building on Spatial Data Management for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC)” (April 2017) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous Peoples aspirations towards ASEAN” (January 2015) |EN|
  • Article “Capacity Building is key to uphold Indigenous Peoples’ Rights” (April 2015) |EN|
  • Article “SAINS on Indigenous Peoples struggle on Customary Lands” (December 2014) |EN|
  • Study “Payment for ecosystem services connects urban community with indigenous people” (2016) |EN|
  • Study “Sustainable forest management ties indigenous group together against eviction threats” (2016) |EN|
  • Study “Participatory construction of 3D maps strengthens indigenous land management” (2017) |EN|
  • Study “Indigenous Peoples Secretariat key ally in demarcation and titling of indigenous territories” (2015) |EN|
  • Study “Indigenous peoples’ rights to lands, territories, and resources” (2013) |ENESFR|
  • Article “Unity is strength: Voices from ILC Members at IFAD’s Indigenous People’s Forum” (February 2017) |EN|
  • Study “Participatory mapping of customary forest use to influence spatial planning” (2014) |EN|
  • Article “First Africa Land Forum: Challenging times for indigenous peoples and pastoralists in Africa” (November 2012) |EN|
  • Study “Linking national and international campaigns helps reverting land grab” (2016) |EN|
  • Study “Mobilisation, mapping and legal action help indigenous community oppose mining activities” (2016) |EN|
  • Report “Palm oil and indigenous peoples in South East Asia” (2011) |EN|
  • Study “Regularisation of community and privately-owned land” (2015) |EN|
  • Study “Land entitlement empowers indigenous communities” (2017) |ES|
  • Article “IPs perspective on Climate Change” (June 2015) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous land rights: A cheap and effective climate change solution, just in time” (November 2016) |EN|
  • Factsheet “Secure Indigenous and Community Land Rights contribute to fight Climate Change” (2016) |EN|
  • Study “Indigenous communities successfully claim right to free, prior and informed consent” (2015) |EN|
  • Briefing paper “The Impacts of Land Dispossession on Indigenous Women” (2015) |EN|
  • Working paper “Community Mapping, Natural Resources and Indigenous People Movement in Indonesia” (2004) |EN|
  • Report “Liberalization of ownership versus indigenous territories in the North of Nicaragua: The case of the Chorotegas” (2011) |ENES|
  • Article “African Court to deliver landmark judgment on Ogiek community land rights case against Kenyan government” (May 2007) |EN|


International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Main website

  • Article “New Homes for Colombia’s Displaced Indigenous People” (September 2008) |ENESFR|
  • Article “IOM Maps Vulnerability of Cambodia’s Indigenous People” (June 2009) |ENES|
  • Article “Indigenous Migrant Workers Begin Literacy Classes” (February 2007) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous Children’s Deaths Highlights Need for Better Health” (October 2007) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous Migrants Celebrate their Culture, Make Visible the Challenges” (November 2008) |ENESFR|
  • Article “IOM Health Project with Indigenous Migrants from Panama Wins Two Awards at the 5th ECLAC Social Innovation Fair” (November 2009) |ENES|
  • Article “Costa Rica, Panama Open Information Hubs for Migrants at Paso Canoas Border” (May 2015) |ENESFR|


United Nations Regional Commissions Office – Main website


Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) – Main website

Article 8 (j) traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices – Sub-site


Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) – Main website

OHCHR and Indigenous Peoples – Sub-site

Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – Sub-site

Indigenous Fellowship Programme – Sub-site

Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples – Sub-site

UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples – Sub-site

  • Fact Sheet 9/Rev.2 “Indigenous Peoples and the United nations Human Rights System” (2013) |EN|
  • Manual “A Manual for National Human Rights Institutions: The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” (August 2013) |ENESFRRU|
  • “Free, Prior and Informed Consent of Indigenous Peoples” (September 2013) |EN|


Office of the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children – Main website

  • Article “Message from SRSG on Violence against Children on the occasion of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples “Indigenous Media, Empowering Indigenous Voices” (August 2012) |EN|


United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) – Main website

UNICEF and Indigenous and Minority Children – Sub-site

  • Study “Breaking the Silence on Violence against Indigenous Girls, Adolescents and Young Women” (May 2013) |EN|
  • Publication “Know Your Rights! United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – for indigenous adolescents” (January 2013) |ENESRU|
  • Podcast “Podcast #76: The right of indigenous peoples to education that’s appropriate to their culture is recognized. But is it realized?” (June 2013) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous children discuss problems and exchange solutions in Madrid” (July 2005) |EN|
  • Article “UN report: Indigenous children on the sidelines of society” (October 2012) |EN|
  • Article “Government and the UN train to better serve Congo’s indigenous populations” (November 2011) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous children face greater threats to survival” (February 2004) |EN|
  • Essay “Perspective: From invisibility to inclusion for indigenous children with disabilities” (2013) |EN|
  • Article “Teenage football fan from indigenous community in Brazil carries Olympic Torch” (May 2016) |EN|
  • Article “UNICEF praises generous gift for indigenous Amazonian children threatened by disease, poverty, exclusion” (June 2005) |EN|
  • Working paper “Promoting the Rights of Indigenous Children and Women: A Stocktaking of UNICEF’s Approach and Practice” (April 2009) |EN|


United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) – Main website


United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) – Main website


United Nations Department of Political Affairs (DPA) – Main website


United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) –  Main website

  • United Nations and Indigenous Peoples – outreach material from across the UN |EN|


United Nations Development Program (UNDP) – Main website

UNDP and Indigenous Peoples – Sub-site

United Nations Indigenous Peoples’ Partnership – Sub-site

UNDP and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America – Sub-site

  • Blog post “Celebrating indigenous peoples as nature’s stewards” (May 2017) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous peoples take steps to have a voice in COP21” (November 2015) |EN|
  • Blog post “Despite global climate pledge, indigenous activists are under attack” (May 2016) |EN|
  • Policy “UNDP and Indigenous Peoples: A Policy of Engagement” (June 2001) |ENESFR|
  • Article “Eco-stoves empower indigenous women in Brazil” |EN|
  • Article “Water: A dream becomes reality for Colombia’s indigenous communities” |EN|
  • Factsheet “United Nations Indigenous Peoples’ Partnership (UNIPP)” |EN|
  • Blog post “Indigenous knowledge – ancient solutions to today’s challenges” (August 2016) |EN|
  • Handbook for Parliamentarians “Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” (September 2014) |ENESFRRU|
  • Policy “UNDP and Indigenous Peoples: A Practice Note on Engagement” |EN|
  • Stories “Indigenous” |EN|
  • Article “International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples” (August 2013) |EN|
  • Briefing note “Indigenous Conservation territories and Community-conserved Areas (ICCAs) in Iran” (June 2009) |EN|
  • Background paper “Indigenous Peoples in Comparative Perspective” (2004) |EN|
  • Fact sheet “Fast Facts: Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines” (July 2013) |EN|
  • Blog post “Celebrating the world’s indigenous peoples, declaring their rights” (August 2015) |EN|
  • Article “Brazil and UNDP announce the first “World Games of Indigenous Peoples” during the UN Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York” (April 2015) |EN|
  • Issue brief “Enhancing participation and representation of indigenous peoples in parliament” (October 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous peoples in Latin America improve political participation, but women lag behind, says UNDP” (May 2013) |EN|
  • Blog post “2030 Agenda: Recognition for indigenous peoples, a challenge for governments” (August 2016) |EN|
  • Article “Boosting indigenous peoples’ political participation crucial for development, says UNDP” (May 2012) |EN|
  • Fact sheet “Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines” (February 2010) |EN|
  • Concept note “Supporting Meaningful Participation of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in UNFCCC COP 21 in Partnership with the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC)” (May 2015) |EN|
  • Blog post “Indigenous youth and the post-2015 development agenda” (April 2015) |EN|
  • Article “Media and technology help boost indigenous peoples’ political participation” (August 2012) |EN|
  • Blog post “Indigenous knowledge has life” (August 2015) |EN|
  • Article “Equator prize to bring Indigenous Peoples issues to forefront of Paris climate conference” (November 2015) |EN|
  • Blog post “Celebrating indigenous peoples as nature’s stewards” (May 2017) |EN|
  • Blog post “Forging partnerships with indigenous peoples to address climate change” (August 2016) |EN|
  • Blog post “Realizing the rights of indigenous peoples” (October 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Governments, Business, Civil Society and Indigenous Leaders Pledge to End Loss of Forests” (September 2014) |EN|
  • Report “Indigenous Voices in Asia-Pacific” (July 2012) |EN|
  • Highlights “Establishing the first indigenous electoral communication network in Latin America and Caribbean” (October 2011) |EN|
  • Report “Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano de los Pueblos Indígenas en México” (October 2010) |ES|
  • Project document “Regional Initiative on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Development (RIPP) – Phase II” (2008) |EN|
  • Article “German Government, GEF, and UNDP partner to create largest global fund for ICCAs” (October 2014) |EN|
  • Resource kit “Resource Kit on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues” (June 2008) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous peoples’ contributions to human development” (May 2011) |EN|
  • Article “UNDP and GEF-Small Grants Programme Supports National Dialogue of Indigenous Representatives and the Government of Guyana on Climate Change Priorities for COP 21 negotiations” (September 2015) |EN|
  • Guidance note “Standard 6: Indigenous Peoples” |EN|
  • Article “In Peru, finding a way to engage local indigenous people in the climate change debate” |EN|
  • Article “Improving human development among indigenous peoples: The Chiapas success story” (August 2012) |EN|
  • Article “Building Indigenous Papuan entrepreneurship skills” |EN|
  • Article “Upholding International Standards for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples key to the Successful Implementation of the Amerindian Land Titling Project” (June 2015) |EN|
  • Paper “UNDP and Indigenous Peoples towards Effective Partnerships” (November 2006) |EN|
  • Publication “Millennium Development Goals and Indigenous Peoples” (2015) |EN|
  • Atlas “Atlas of Indigenous Knowledge on Climate Change Adaptation” (September 2015) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous peoples, traditional knowledge in forest management key to REDD+ success” (August 2011) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous parliamentarians sign a Declaration in Panama to advance in indigenous legal, social and participation matters” (April 2016) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous peoples redefine development” (January 2010) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous Villages Begin Implementation of Community Development Plans” (June 2015) |EN|
  • Blog post “Boosting indigenous peoples’ political representation is an urgent debt for our democracies” (June 2014) |EN|
  • Publication “Indigenous Peoples and the Human Rights-Based Approach to Development: Engaging in Dialogue” (January 2007) |EN|
  • Blog post “Democracy: Where are women, youth, indigenous people and people of African descent?” (March 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous peoples’ political inclusion enriches democracy in Latin America” (May 2013) |EN|
  • Training manual “Indigenous Women and Decision-Making: A Community Training Manual” (January 2007) |EN|
  • Article “UNDP seeks stronger role for indigenous peoples in the Philippines” (February 2010) |EN|
  • Case study “Indigenous Women and the United Nations System” (January 2007) |EN|
  • Article “Thailand Department of National Parks, IUCN, and UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme partners share experiences and skills on engaging indigenous peoples and local communities in the participatory management of protected areas and benefit sharing” (March 2017) |EN|
  • Article “Football helps boost indigenous peoples’ income in Colombia” (August 2011) |EN|
  • Success stories “Cambodian indigenous people gear up for election” |EN|
  • Success stories “Protecting our planet’s lungs” (May 2017) |EN|
  • Article “Cambodia: Fresh funds help indigenous group create eco-lake” (August 2010) |EN|
  • Regional Initiative on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Development in the Asia Pacific (UNDP-RIPP)
  • UN-REDD Programme


United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) – Main website

Indigenous Peoples and UNESCO – Sub-site

Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems – Sub-site

Towards a UNESCO policy on engaging with indigenous peoples – Sub-site

2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages – Sub-site

  • Multimedia teacher education programme “Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainability” |EN|
  • Report “Knowing our Lands and Resources: Indigenous and Local Knowledge of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the Americas” (2017) |EN|
  • Report “Knowing our Lands and Resources: Indigenous and Local Knowledge of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Europe and Central Asia (ECA)” (2017) |EN|
  • Report “Knowing our Lands and Resources: Indigenous and Local Knowledge of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Africa” (2017) |EN|
  • Report “Indigenous Peoples and the Information Society: Emerging uses of ICTs” (2016) |EN|
  • Publication “Indigenous and Local Knowledge about Pollination and Pollinators associated with Food Production” (2015) |EN|
  • Book Echoes at Fishermen’s Rock – Traditional Tokelau Fishing (2012) |EN|
  • Publication “Weathering Uncertainty: Traditional Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation” (2012) |EN|
  • Book Women’s Knowledge: Traditional Medicine and Nature (Mauritius, Reunion and Rodrigues) (2011)|FR|
  • Book The Jarawa Tribal Reserve Dossier (2010) |EN|
  • Book Mayangna Knowledge of the Interdependence of People and Nature: Fish and Turtles (2010) |EN|
  • Book Climate Change and Arctic Sustainable Development (2009) |EN|
  • Publication “Learning and Knowing in Indigenous Societies Today” (2009) |EN|
  • Book Fishers’ Knowledge in Fisheries Science and Management (2007) |EN|
  • Book Water and Indigenous Peoples (2006) |EN|
  • Publication “Cultural Diversity and Biodiversity” (March 2006) |EN|
  • Book Reef and Rainforest: An Environmental Encyclopedia of Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands (2005) |EN|
  • Book Evolution of village-based marine resource management in Vanuatu between 1993 and 2001 (2004) |EN|
  • Publication “NGOs in the Governance of Biodiversity” (December 20013) |EN|
  • Publication “Indigenous Knowledge” (September 2002) |EN|
  • Report “Science, Traditional Knowledge and Sustainable Development” (March 2002)|EN|
  • Article “Bringing Indigenous Knowledge into Education” |EN|
  • Article “Mayangna people try to safeguard their culture” (November 2010) |EN|
  • Report “Indigenous Knowledge in Global Policies and Practice for Education, Science and Culture” (2010) |EN|
  • Article “Mayangna knowledge deep in the heart of Mesoamerica” (December 2008) |EN|
  • Article “One size does not fit all” (December 2008) |EN|
  • Article “An Indigenous Knowledge Forum on Climate Change Impacts” (May 2008) |EN|
  • Article “A global forum takes to the frontlines of climate change” (September 2008) |EN|
  • Brochure “Traditional Knowledge in Sustainable Development and Resource Management” (2006) |EN|
  • Article “The San: Sustainable Development before its time” (May 2005) |EN|
  • Article “Spared by the sea” (May 2005) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous Knowledge, Peoples and Sustainable Practice” (2002) |EN|
  • Poster “Learning and Knowing in Indigenous Societies Today” |EN|
  • Poster “Indigenous Knowledge posters” |EN|
  • Poster “Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) programme” |EN|
  • Multimedia “The Canoe Is the People – Indigenous Navigation in the Pacific” |EN|
  • Multimedia “Dream Trackers: Yapa art and knowledge of the Australian desert” |EN|


United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) – Main website

Indigenous Peoples and Their Communities – Sub-site

  • Policy “UNEP and Indigenous Peoples: A Partnership in Caring for the Environment” (November 2012) |ENESFR|
  • Book Pastoralism and the Green Economy – a natural nexus? (2014) |EN|
  • Report “Side Event: Pastoralism and the Post 2015 agenda” (May 2015) |EN|
  • Background note “Sustainable Pastoralism and the Post 2015 Agenda Opportunities and barriers to pastoralism for global food production and environmental stewardship” (2014) |EN|
  • Briefing note “Pastoralism and the green economy – a natural nexus?” (September 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous people and nature: a tradition of conservation” (April 2017) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous Peoples: The unsung heroes of conservation” (January 2017) |EN|
  • Report “African Indigenous Peoples and the UNEP Green Economy Initiative: ||Hui!gaeb Report* on Green Economy, Equity & Green Governance” (August 2011) |EN|
  • Article “9 August is the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples” (2016) |EN|
  • Evaluation “Terminal evaluation of the UNEP GEF project: Indigenous peoples’ network for change (IPNC)” (September 2010) |EN|
  • Report “Human Rights and the Environment” (June 2012) |EN|
  • Article “UNEP Highlights Key Role of Indigenous Communities in Transition to a Green Economy” (August 2013) |EN|
  • Article “Sustainable tourism” |EN|
  • Policy “UNEP Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability Framework” (January 2015) |EN|
  • Article “Governments, Business, Civil Society and Indigenous Leaders Pledge to End Loss of Forests” (September 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous Knowledge Helps in Disaster Management” (August 2006) |EN|
  • Guide “Making Tourism More Sustainable” (2005) |EN|
  • Article “Blood gold: Illegal mining is destroying Amazonia” (March 2017) |EN|
  • Book Climate Change and Arctic Sustainable Development: scientific, social, cultural and educational challenges (2009) |EN|
  • Publication “The Components of Successful Ecotourism” |EN|
  • Publication “Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity” (1999) |EN|
  • Article “Climate changes the live of the vulnerable” |EN|
  • Article “Saving Guatemala’s biodiversity through the power of traditional art” (December 2016) |EN|
  • Publication “Environment, Religion and Culture in the Context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” (2016) |EN|
  • Publication “Climate Change and Human Rights” (December 2015) |EN|


United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – Main website


United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) – Main website


United Nations Global Compact – Main website

UN Global Compact and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights – Sub-site

  • Report “The Australian Business Guide to Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” (2020) |EN|
  • Guide “The Business Reference Guide to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” (2013) |ENESFRRU|
  • Compilation “Practical Supplement to the Business Reference Guide to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” (2014) |EN|
  • Report “Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and the Role of Free, Prior and Informed Consent” (February 2014) |ENES|
  • Article “UN Global Compact Co-Hosts Workshop on Corporate Leadership and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights” (April 2015) |EN|
  • Article “Role of Business Highlighted During First World Conference on Indigenous Peoples” (September 2014) |EN|
  • Article “UN Global Compact Launches Business Guide on Rights of Indigenous Peoples” (December 2013) |EN|
  • Article “UN Global Compact Highlights Role of Business in Respecting and Supporting Rights of Indigenous Peoples at UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues” (May 2014) |EN|
  • Webinar “Business and the realization of Indigenous Peoples’ rights” (2013) |EN|
  • Webinar “Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and the Role of Free, Prior and Informed Consent” (2014) |EN|
  • Article “Sakhalin Energy and the preservation of indigenous culture” |EN|
  • Webinar “Land Rights and the Role of Business” (2015) |EN|


United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) – Main website

  • Publication “Indigenous peoples’ right to adequate housing: A global overview” (2005) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous peoples call for a seat at the urban table” (October 2016) |EN|
  • Guide “Securing Land Rights for Indigenous Peoples in Cities” (May 2011) |EN|
  • Report “Urban Indigenous Peoples and Migration; A Review of Policies, Programmes and Practices” (2010) |EN|
  • Article “Harnessing the Power of Indigenous Cultures for Better Cities” (August 2016) |EN|
  • Article “UN-Habitat spearheads unique project to settle DRC’s pygmy communities” (April 2017) |EN|


United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) – Main website

  • Policy “Unido Environmental and Social Safeguards Policies and Procedures (ESSPP)” (January 2015) |EN|
  • Brochure “Empowering women: Fostering entrepreneurship” |EN|
  • Factsheet “Women in creative industries” (February 2013) |EN|
  • Report “Report on the Situation of Sustainable Development in Bolivia: Assessment of the Industrial Manufacturing Sector” (September 30) |EN|


United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) – Main website 

  • Training “Indigenous Programme” |EN|
  • Article/Sub-site “Understanding and Building on Traditional Knowledge to Help to Address Climate Change in West Africa” |EN|
  • Article/Sub-site “UNITAR Workshop Multilateral Negotiations: Sustainable Development and Peaceful and Inclusive Societies” |EN|


United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS) – Main website


United Nations Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) – Main website


United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) – Main website

  • Report “Recommendations of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Gender Based Violence” (2019) |EN|ES| (Executive summary |EN|ES|)
  • Report “Recommendations of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Gender Based Violence” (April 2018)  |EN|ES|
  • Summary “Recommendations of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Gender Based Violence” (April 2018)  |EN|ES|
  • Article “Advancing the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues “ (May 2009) |EN|
  • Publication “Promoting Equality, Recognizing Diversity Case Stories in Intercultural Sexual and Reproductive Health among Indigenous Peoples” (August 2010) |EN|
  • Article “Taking the Census in Panama, by Car, Foot, Boat and Saddle” (July 2010) |EN|
  • Report “UNFPA Work on Indigenous Issues” (2011) |EN|
  • Article “Protecting the Rights, Unleashing the Potential of Indigenous Girls in Rural Guatemala” (May 2013) |EN|
  • Article “Protecting the Indigenous Forest Dwellers of Republic of Congo” (May 2011) |EN|
  • Article “With bicycles, impoverished indigenous girls in Guatemala get a taste of freedom” (April 2017) |EN|
  • Article “Jambi Huasi – Health Care that Speaks to Indigenous Communities in Ecuador” (July 2005) |EN|
  • Publication “Breaking the Silence on Violence against Indigenous Girls, Adolescents and Young Women” (May 2013) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous Girls in Guatemala Break the Cycle of Poverty” (April 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Bolivia: Training Midwives to Treat Indigenous Mothers with Respect” (May 2009) |EN|
  • Article “New birthing facility provides culturally sensitive maternal care for indigenous women in the Philippines” (October 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Working with Indigenous Communities in Ecuador” (January 2006) |EN|
  • Article “A silent epidemic: The fight to end female genital mutilation in Colombia” (February 2016) |EN|
  • Article “Protegiendo los Derechos, Liberando el potencial de las niñas indígenas en zonas rurales de Guatemala” (May 2013) |EN|
  • Article “Giving birth upright, with maté – Peru clinics open arms to indigenous women” (September 2016) |EN|
  • Article “In Colombia, efforts to end FGM are empowering women to be leaders” (February 2017) |EN|
  • Article “A Bumpy Ride Can Mean the Difference between Life and Death in Guatemala” (April 2008) |EN|
  • Article “Providing Maternal Health Care in Ecuador’s Amazon Region” (October 2007) |EN|
  • Article “Communities in the Amazon band together to save pregnant women” (November 2016) |EN|


United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) – Main website

  • Article “Vulnerability of Indigenous Peoples to Aids Insufficiently Recognized in International Response” (June 2010) |EN|
  • Article “International indigenous preconference meeting on HIV calls for greater visibility of indigenous voices” (July 2016) |ES|
  • Report “Indigenous Peoples and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS” (March 2006) |EN|
  • Article “International Day of the World’s Indigenous People focuses on AIDS” (August 2009) |EN|
  • Article “Speaking in a united voice: new indigenous HIV group launched” (May 2017) |EN|
  • Article “Raising HIV awareness among indigenous young people in Panama” (December 2015) |EN|
  • Article “Solutions that work for us: Indigenous people tackle HIV in South America” (August 2011) |EN|
  • Guide “UNAIDS guidance for partnerships with civil society, including people living with HIV and key populations” (January 2012) |EN|
  • Article “Amazonians unite to fight stigma in Brazil” (October 2006) |EN|
  • Publication “Eliminating forced, coercive and otherwise involuntary sterilization – An interagency statement” (May 2014) |EN|
  • Working paper “UNAIDS engagement with civil society” (April 2013) |EN|


United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC) – Main website


United Nations University, Institute of Advanced Studies – Main website

  • Event “Respecting Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge and Culture” |EN|
  • Article “Traditional Knowledge Holders Formalize a Network for Community to Community Exchange” (October 2015) |EN|
  • Article “Science–Policy Forum Calls for a Learning Alliance on Rice Terraces” (August 2015) |EN|


UN Women – Main website 

  • “Making indigenous women and girls visible in the implementation of the UN framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19 and in accessing funds under the Multi-Partner Trust Fund” (April 2020) |EN|
  • Article “Peru Passes Historic Law on Indigenous Peoples” (October 2011) |EN|
  • Article “Join the latest e-discussion on indigenous peoples and inequalities” (November 2012) |EN|
  • Article “Take five: “The dominant economic paradigms are at odds with the rights of indigenous peoples” (May 2017) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous voices” (May 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous women’s rights and activism” |EN|
  • Article “Supporting the struggles of indigenous women everywhere” (August 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous women working together, raising the volume” (August 2012) |EN|
  • Brief “Indigenous women and the women, peace and security agenda” (2016) |ENES|
  • Article/video “Indigenous women share their concerns and contributions for a more sustainable world” (May 2012) |EN|
  • Article “Voices of indigenous women and girls in the post-2015 agenda” (September 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous women in Peru combat climate change and boost economy” (August 2016) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous women take to radio to say, ‘no more violence’ in Nicaragua” (February 2017) |EN|
  • Article “Access to justice is key to advancing individual and collective human rights for indigenous women and girls” (October 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Orange Day calls to stop violence against indigenous women and girls” (April 2017) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous women leaders in Southeast Asia unite against development-based violence” (December 2012) |EN|
  • Article “From where I stand: Expanding indigenous women’s rights strengthens the collective rights” (April 2017) |EN|
  • Publication “Breaking the Silence on Violence against Indigenous Girls, Adolescents and Young Women” (May 2013) |EN|
  • Article “Breaking the silence on violence against indigenous girls: UN report calls for urgent action” (May 2013) |EN|
  • Article “Aty Cuña: Indigenous women’s assemblies tackling cases of violence and rights violations” (February 2013) |EN|
  • Article “We need to strengthen women’s self esteem and make them feel valued for their identity and culture” (August 2011) |EN|
  • Article “From where I stand: We must be at the table making decisions” (April 2017) |EN|
  • Article “In the words of Tarcila Rivera Zea: “My parents, illiterate as they were, pushed to learn more” (April 2017) |EN|
  • Article “Preserving the balance between business and nature in Mexico” (April 2012) |EN|
  • Article “Mayan women build integrated pathway for violence survivors in Mexico” (March 2014) |EN|
  • Video “Women’s voice for Rio +20 – Mirna Cunningham, Nicaragua” |EN|
  • Video “Colombian women play a central role in peace process” |EN|
  • Article “From where I stand: Debora Barros Fince” (October 2016) |EN|
  • Article “Empowering Kenya’s Maasai women through greater voice and rights” (March 2014) |EN|
  • Guide “Guide for the Evaluation of Programmes and Projects with a Gender, Human Rights and Interculturality Perspective” (March 2014) |ENES|
  • Article “Join the latest e-discussion on young people and inequalities” (December 2012) |EN|
  • Article “In the words of Aili Limakka: We must embrace diversity by accepting our past” (March 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Culture and the Arts, a powerful means to foster women’s rights” (May 2012) |EN|
  • Article “In the words of Tsitina Xavante: My father told me I want you to be able to help your people one day” (March 2014) |EN|
  • Article “From where I stand: Maria Judite da Silva Ballerio” (June 2016) |EN|
  • Article “Time for Women to Shape Politics in Guatemala” (September 2011) |EN|
  • Article “Guatemala: Young Mayan Women Shape the Future” (November 2011) |EN|
  • Article “Latin American and Caribbean women chart their priorities for the new global development agenda” (April 2013) |EN|


World Bank – Main website

World Bank Indigenous Peoples Overview – Sub-site

  • Policy “Performance Standard 7: Indigenous Peoples” (January 2012) |EN|
  • Policy/sub-site “World Bank Indigenous Peoples Policy” |EN|
  • Publication “The Role of Indigenous Peoples in Biodiversity Conservation” (May 2008) |EN|
  • Article “Urban Indigenous Peoples: the new frontier” (June 2017) |EN|
  • Article “Poverty and exclusion among Indigenous Peoples: The global evidence” (September 2016) |EN|
  • Article “Partnering with Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Minorities Through Community-Driven Development” (May 2016) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous peoples, forest conservation and climate change: a decade of engagement” (April 2017) |EN|
  • Guide “Guidance Note 7: Indigenous Peoples” (January 2012) |EN|
  • Report “Indigenous Latin America in the Twenty-First Century” (2015) |EN|
  • Working paper “Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development” (April 2010) |EN|
  • Working paper “Implementation of the World Bank’s Indigenous Peoples Policy” (August 2011) |EN|
  • Policy “Operational Directive: Indigenous Peoples” (September 1991) |EN|
  • Publication “Economic Opportunities for Indigenous Peoples in Latin America” (2007) |EN|
  • Policy “Operational Manual OP 4.10 – Indigenous Peoples” (July 2005) |EN|
  • Article/video “Indigenous Latin America in the Twenty-First Century” (March 2016) |EN|
  • Policy brief “Indigenous Peoples: Still among the poorest of the poor” |EN|
  • Took kit “Water and Sanitation Services : Achieving Sustainable Outcomes with Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean” (2016) |ENES|
  • Publication “Indigenous People and Poverty in Latin America: An Empirical Analysis” (September 1994) |EN|
  • Book Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean (2010) |EN|
  • Report “Conference on Poverty and Indigenous Peoples” (May 2006) |EN|
  • Report “Indigenous People” (October 2016) |EN|
  • Working paper “Social Networks among Indigenous Peoples in Mexico” (June 2009) |EN|
  • Working paper “Indigenous peoples in Latin America: Economic Opportunities and Social Networks” (May 2007) |EN|
  • Article “Why are Indigenous Peoples more likely to be poor?” (February 2016) |EN|
  • Webinar “Poverty and Exclusion among Indigenous Peoples: What is the Global Evidence?” |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Human Development in Latin America” |EN|
  • Policy brief “Indigenous peoples and poverty in Mexico” (April 2011) |EN|
  • Publication “Indigenous Peoples of Russia Country Profile” (June 2014) |EN|
  • Report “Promoting the Development of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America” (1999) |EN|
  • Article/Discussion “Opportunities for Indigenous Peoples in Latin America” |EN|
  • Article/webpage “LAC Equity Lab: Ethnicity – Indigenous Peoples” |EN|
  • Brochure “Tourism and Indigenous Peoples – Lessons from Recent Experiences in Eco and Ethno Tourism in Latin America and the Caribbean” (August 2009) |EN|
  • Report “Indigenous peoples development in World Bank-financed projects : our people, our resources – striving for a peaceful and plentiful planet” (April 2015) |EN|
  • Brochure “Indigenous Peoples Leadership Capacity Building Program For The Andean Countries” (March 2005) |EN|
  • Article “Giving Indigenous Peoples a Greater Voice” (December 2016) |EN|
  • Note “Participation and Indigenous Peoples” (June 1995) |EN|
  • Brief “Socioeconomic status of the Pygmies in the Democratic Republic of Congo” (April 2011) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous Peoples Still Among Poorest in World, but Progress Reported in Some Countries” (April 2010) |EN|
  • Article “Global dialogue bolsters World Bank engagement with Indigenous Peoples” (October 2015) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous Peoples Benefited to a Lesser Extent from Latin American Boom” (February 2016) |EN|
  • Video “Empowering Indigenous Peoples Through Community-Driven Development” (June 2016) |EN|
  • Article “Reaching the last mile in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to provide sustainable water supply and sanitation to Indigenous Peoples” (November 2016) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous Peoples: Rights, Education and Some Promising Progress from Mexico” (May 2011) |EN|
  • Brief “Census-based profile of the Pygmies in Gabon” (March 2011) |EN|
  • Article “The Value of Listening and Learning from Indigenous Peoples of the World” (August 2013) |EN|
  • Brief “Indigenous Peoples: Growth in Vietnam is strong but not shared equitably across ethnic groups” (September 2010) |EN|


World Food Programme (WFP) – Main site

  • Article “Capturing Realities of Indigenous Rural Women in Ecuador” (August 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous Guaraní Women Organize Nutrition Fair” (July 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Report: Latin America Should Focus On Child Nutrition” (July 2010) |EN|
  • Article/Sub-site “Satellite Assisted Pastoral Resource Management (SAPARM)” |EN|
  • Article “Colombia: The Effects of Drought in La Guajira” (August 2014) |EN|
  • Article “10 Facts About WFP’s Fight Against Hunger in Nicaragua” (March 2015) |EN|
  • Article “Food for Work: Helping Bolivians Stand and Walk Once More” (July 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Nicaragua: Saudi Date Palms Grow in Jalapa” (May 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Guatemala Pushed To Hunger Tipping Point” (April 2010) |EN|
  • Article “Guatemala: Food Shortages Compound Malnutrition Problems” (September 2009) |EN|


World Health Organization (WHO) – Main website

Indigenous populations – Sub-site

WHO’s work on indigenous peoples’ health – Sub-site

  • Factsheet/Sub-site “Health of indigenous peoples” (October 2007) |EN|
  • Report/Sub-site “Hepatitis B immunization for indigenous adults, Australia” (January 2016) |EN|
  • Article “From warehouse to remote indigenous communities: The journey of vaccines in Brazil” (April 2017) |EN|
  • Article “Sasakawa Health Prize” |EN|
  • Article “The facets of TDR research from drug discovery to implementation” |EN|
  • Publication “Eliminating forced, coercive and otherwise involuntary sterilization” (2014) |EN|
  • Article/Sub-site “Indigenous peoples and substance abuse” |EN|
  • Article “How can medical schools contribute to the education, recruitment and retention of rural physicians in their region?” (February 2010) |EN|
  • Report “High-level Panel on Indigenous Children and Youth” (May 2003) |EN|
  • Factsheet “Indigenous Peoples’ Health” |ENESFR|
  • Factsheet “The health of Indigenous Peoples” (November 2007) |ENESFR|
  • Report “Indigenous peoples & participatory health research” (2003) |EN|
  • Publication “Global compendium of indigenous health research institutions” (2001) |EN|
  • Publication “The mental health of indigenous people : an international overview” (1999) |EN|


World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) – Main website

WIPO Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Portal – Sub-site

Traditional Knowledge: Publications, Studies and Documents – Sub-site

  • Guide “Protect and Promote Your Culture: A Practical Guide to Intellectual Property for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities” (2017) |EN|
  • Study “Key Questions on Patent Disclosure Requirements for Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge” (2017) |EN|
  • Publication “Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions” (2015) ARENESFRRUZH
  • Tool kit “The World Intellectual Property Organization Traditional Knowledge Documentation Toolkit” (November 2012) |EN|
  • Report “Glossary of Key Terms related to IP and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions” (April 2012) |EN|
  • Report “Intellectual Property Needs and Expectations of Traditional Knowledge Holders” (April 2001) |EN|
  • Publication “Traditional Knowledge & Indigenous Peoples” (2007) |ENRU|
  • Report “Intellectual Property and Human Rights” (1999) |EN|
  • Brief “Alternative Dispute Resolution for Disputes Related to Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions and Genetic Resources” (2016) |AR| ENESFRRUZH|
  • Brief “Customary Law and Traditional Knowledge” (2016) |ARENESFRRUZH|
  • Brief “Intellectual Property and Traditional Medical Knowledge” (2016) |ARENESFRRUZH|
  • Brief “Intellectual Property and Traditional Handicrafts” (2016) |ARENESFRRUZH|
  • Brief “Intellectual Property and Arts Festivals” (2016) |ARENESFRRUZH|
  • Brief “Developing a National Strategy on Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions” (2016) |ARENESFRRUZH|
  • Brief “The WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore” (2016) |ARENESFRRUZH|
  • Report “List and Brief Technical Explanation of Various Forms in which Traditional Knowledge May be Found” (November 2010) |EN|
  • Study “Minding Culture: Case Studies on Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions” (2003) |EN|
  • Background paper “Consolidated Analysis of the Legal Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions/Expressions of Folklore” (May 2003) |EN|
  • Study “National Experiences with the Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions/Expressions of Folklore – India, Indonesia, the Philippines” (November 2002) |EN|
  • Report “Note on the Meanings of the Term ‘Public Domain’ in the Intellectual Property System with Special Reference to the Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions/Expressions of Folklore” (November 2010) |EN|
  • Report “The Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions: Draft Gap Analysis” (October 2008) |EN|
  • Report “The Protection of Traditional Knowledge: Draft Gap Analysis: Revision” (October 2008) |EN|
  • Guide “Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions/Folklore: A Guide for Countries in Transition” (2013) |ENFR|
  • Guidelines “Draft Intellectual Property Guidelines for Access to Genetic Resources and Equitable Sharing of Benefits arising from their Utilization” (February 2013) |ARENESFRRUZH|
  • Study “Technical Study on Disclosure Requirements in Patent Systems Related to Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge” (February 2004) |EN|
  • Study “WIPO-UNEP Study on the Role of Intellectual Property Rights in the Sharing of Benefits Arising from the Use of Biological Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge” |EN|
  • Report “Draft Examination of Issues Regarding the Interrelation of Access to Genetic Resources and Disclosure Requirements in Intellectual Property Rights Applications” (August 2005) |EN|
  • Publication “Intellectual Property and the Safeguarding of Traditional Cultures – Legal Issues and Practical Options for Museums, Libraries and Archives” (2010) |EN|
  • Guide “Intellectual Property and Folk, Arts and Cultural Festivals – A Practical Guide” (2014) |EN|
  • Guide “Marketing Crafts and Visual Arts: The Role of Intellectual Property” (2013) |EN|
  • Publication “Documenting Traditional Medical Knowledge” (March 2014) |EN|
  • Publication “Customary Law, Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property: An Outline of the Issues” (2013) |EN|
  • Study “Customary Law in the Protection of Traditional Knowledge – Regional Study in the Andean Countries” (November 2006) |EN|
  • Study “Customary Law in ABS and TK Governance: Perspectives from Andean and Pacific Island Countries” (2008) |EN|
  • Article “Australian Donation Means New Life for Fund that Involves Indigenous Peoples in International Negotiations” (March 2017) |EN|
  • Article/Sub-site “Practical Workshop for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities on IP and Traditional Knowledge” (December 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Traditional Cultures, Indigenous Peoples and Cultural Institutions” (April 2010) |EN|
  • Article “Intellectual Property and Indigenous People: A Major Challenge” (June 2015) |EN|
  • Article/Sub-site “Indigenous and Local Community Experiences on Traditional Knowledge” |EN|
  • Report “Indigenous and Local Communities’ Concerns and Experiences in Promoting, Sustaining and Safeguarding their Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions and Genetic Resources” (April 2006) |EN|
  • Article “Supporting Indigenous Communities at the Grassroots” (February 2014) |EN|
  • Article “What place for customary law in protecting traditional knowledge?” (August 2010) |EN|


World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) – Main website

  • Article/Sub-site “UNWTO Panel on Indigenous Tourism: Promoting equitable partnerships” (March 2017) |EN|
  • Report “UNWTO Panel on Indigenous Tourism: Promoting equitable partnerships” (March 2017) |EN|
  • Policy “Global Code of Ethics for Tourism” |EN|
  • Article/Sub-site “Community Empowerment through Creative Industries and Tourism: Special focus on Women, Youth, Indigenous Communities and People with Disabilities” (March 2015) |EN|
  • Article “Sustainable Tourism in Abr Forest” (August 2014) |EN|
  • Article “Indigenous peoples in the Americas” (September 2014) |EN|
  • Brochure “Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals” (2014) |EN|
  • Policy “Global Code of Ethics for Tourism” (1999) |ARENESFRRU|

The IASG currently comprises of 44 members:

  1. African Development Bank
  2. Commonwealth Secretariat
  3. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
  4. European Union
  5. Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y El Caribe (FILAC)
  6. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)
  7. Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)
  8. Inter-Parliamentary Union
  9. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
  10. International Labour Organisation (ILO)
  11. International Land Coalition Secretariat (ILC)
  12. International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  13. Liaison Office of the UN Regional Commissions
  14. Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD)
  15. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
  16. Office of the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children
  17. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
  18. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  19. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)
  20. United Nations Department of Peacebuildign and Political Affairs (DPPA)
  21. United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC)
  22. United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
  23. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
  24. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  25. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
  26. United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF)
  27. United Nations Global Compact
  28. United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
  29. United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
  30. United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
  31. United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS)
  32. United Nations Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
  33. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
  34. United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
  35. United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC)
  36. United Nations University, Institute of Advanced Studies
  37. UN Women
  38. World Bank
  39. World Food Programme (WFP)
  40. World Health Organization/Pan American Health Organisation (WHO/PAHO)
  41. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  42. World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
  43. International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
  44. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Note: UNDG Guidelines on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues also provides guidance for UN country teams for programming on indigenous peoples’ issues