[ Online Application Form for COSP17 Side Events ]
The deadline for submission of online application forms for side-events is 22 April 2024.
Most side events will take place virtually.
Hosting in-person side events at the UN Headquarters in New York is open ONLY for Permanent Missions, intergovernmental organizations, and United Nations system entities. NGOs can attend these in-person side events if they are registered and approved in Indico.
Please note that NGOs can host their side event in-person at the UN headquarters either jointly with at least one member state or a UN agency, or host their event outside of the UN headquarters, or in virtual format using their own hosting platform such as Zoom or Webex.
All participants must comply with the United Nations Code of Conduct.
For any questions, please email us at socialngo@un.org and cc enable@un.org.
General Instructions
Please note the following:
- To promote broad stakeholder participation, ONLY one event application can be accepted per the main sponsor.
- Side-events should be related to the COSP17 Overarching theme on “Rethinking disability inclusion in the current international juncture and ahead of the Summit of the Future”.
- Priority will be given to multi-stakeholder events that include Member States, Intergovernmental Organizations, UN agencies and civil society organizations.
- Side event organizers are requested to notify the Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) about any additional side events they have planned. These events will be added to the official list of side events that will be published on the COSP17 website on 10 May 2024.
The deadline for submission of online application forms for side-events is 22 April 2024 (EDT – New York Time).
In Person - Room Allocation and Services
- The organizers of in-person side events are responsible for all costs related to audio/visual services, webcasting, security services, etc. Once your event has been confirmed, you will receive detailed information on how to request these services.
- Please be aware that organizers of in-person side events must pay the mandatory UN Security charges.
Virtual Events
Please ensure that you add the link to your virtual event (such as Zoom or WebEx) to the online calendar (which will be shared with you once your event is approved) so that participants can join your event.
Refreshments are optional. Side-event organizers should get in touch with the Official UN Caterer, Culinart Group. For further details, visit www.culinartgroup.com or email Catering-Services@un.org. Food is prohibited in conference rooms and can only be consumed in areas specified by Culinart.
Confirmed Side-Events:
Please provide us with a link to your side event so that we can also post it on our website dedicated to the side events.
Cancellation of Confirmed Side-Events:
In case your event needs to be cancelled you must provide at least 48 hours’ notice via email to socialngo@un.org or you will be liable for any costs related to the event.
Language Interpretation:
Please note that the United Nations will only provide language interpreters to the UN Secretariat within very limited capacity. Member States, UN Agencies, NGOs, or any other stakeholders are welcome to bring their own interpreters.
Accessibility: Cart Services, and International Sign Language:
- The United Nations is committed to the promotion of accessibility, in this regard all efforts will be made for the accessibility of the Commission for Social Development.
- BCSS provides cart services if they are available, or they can be requested by the side event organizers. See the List of suggested Cart Services Providers
- Please note that the United Nations will only provide sign language interpretation to the UN Secretariat within very limited capacity. Member States, UN Agencies, NGOs, or any other stakeholders are welcome to bring their own interpreters. List of suggested International Sign Language Interpreters
- For inquiries regarding specific equipment such as screen readers, please visit the UN Accessibility Center at http://www.un.org/accessibilitycentre or send your inquiry by email at accessibilitycentre@un.org.