United Nations Social Development Network

The United Nations Social Development Network (UNSDN) serves as a global platform for sharing experiences and good practices in social development that aim to assist Governments, UN agencies and Civil Society in the development of social development policies and practices. UNSDN was launched in August 2012 by the Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA).

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Latest from Thematic Areas

01 May 2024
The 14th session of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWG) from 20 to 22 and 24 May 2024 is an opportunity to ensure that older persons…
21 June 2024
I am the son of cocoa farmers and I have always worked on a plantation in Côte d'Ivoire. Like many planters, I wanted to help fight child labour in…
25 June 2024
The side event was held on 14th June 2024, during the 17th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Rights…
06 July 2023
The World of Work Summit 2023: Social Justice for All  - A high-level forum for global voices to address the need for increased, coordinated and…
08 May 2024
Three different families. Three different stories. With one thing in common: Whatever a family’s situation, growing up feeling loved makes a critical…
01 April 2024
The UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) is one of three UN bodies addressing Indigenous Peoples' issues, focusing on economic and social…
21 June 2024
The 2024 AI for Good Global Summit brought together a diverse and dynamic community of over 700 speakers from 147 countries, delivering more than 100…
28 June 2024
With just six years remaining, current progress falls far short of what is required to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Without massive…
20 June 2024
“Conflict, climate chaos and upheaval” have forced more than 120 million people from their homes including 43.5 million who have fled across…
12 April 2024
On April 4th, the United Nations Headquarters became a global stage for the celebration of the International Day of Sport, hosting a significant…
08 March 2024
In 2024 we are setting out an ambitious agenda. The economies of today are failing women. Women are paid less than men in the same jobs; they do most…
24 June 2024
We are extending the application period for nominations and applications for the UN SDG Action Awards to 30 June 2024! The 2024 UN SDG Action Awards…