
Capacity Development

Trainings on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues with United Nations Country Teams, Government Officials, and Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations 

Training Materials

Materials and Programmes from Countries Where Trainings Have Been Held

Through a grant from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Secretariat of the UN Permanent Forum has been able to initiate training programmes to government agencies, indigenous peoples’ organizations, and UN System staff at country level. The aim of the training programmes is to improving the situation of indigenous peoples at country level through capacity building and awareness raising on indigenous peoples’ issues. For further information please contact the Secretariat at

Training Materials 

Training Manual

Training Module on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
[EN][ES] [FR] 

Resource Kit

Resource Kit on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
[EN] [ES] [FR]

UNDG Guidelines

UNDG Guidelines

Action plan for the roll-out of the UNDG guidelines on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues 

Materials and Programmes from Countries Where Trainings Have Been Held




Central African Republic

Congo (Brazzaville)





Turin (Italy)–Training of Trainers