
Accreditation for IPOs and Academics participating for the 1st time at Permanent Forum session (NOW CLOSED)

22 January 2020

19th Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)

Date: 13–24 April 2020

Location: United Nations Headquarters, New York

Theme: “Peace, justice and strong institutions: the role of indigenous peoples in implementing Sustainable Development Goal 16”

More information about the session here >>>

On 5 March 2020, the Members of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues decided to postpone its forthcoming 19th session, originally scheduled to take place on 13-24 April 2020, until a later date to be determined.

For IPOs and Academics participating for the first time at the Permanent Forum

First, read carefully the participation guide on how to seek accreditation for your organization.

You must create a new organization profile in the United Nations Integrated Civil Society Organizations (iCSO) System.

Please note that the deadline for online accreditation of new organizations has passed and online accreditation is now closed.

Please note that once your organization is approved, you will register each participant to attend the session in a different database, that will be open in mid-February 2020.

Please contact us at: for questions related to your participation.

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