UNITED NATIONS, 13 September 2019 – The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs is launching the fourth edition of the State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. The launch comes on the date the General Assembly adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2007 which marked the culmination of decades of struggle among Indigenous Peoples for a universal framework establishing minimum standards to ensure their survival, dignity and well-being.
The Declaration stands as the most comprehensive international instrument on Indigenous Peoples’ collective rights, including the rights to self-determination, traditional lands, territories and resources, education, culture, health and development.
The production of the State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples (SOWIP) responds to the recommendation by the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues to periodically produce a United Nations publication that analyzes a broad spectrum of Indigenous Peoples’ issues and advocates for the rights of Indigenous Peoples as enshrined in the Declaration and other international instruments.
The fourth edition of SOWIP offers a perspective on the utilization of the Declaration at national, regional and international levels – as the basis for the development of new laws and policies and as a source of inspiration and a tool for advocacy and awareness-raising focusing on the implementation of the Declaration.
Chapters highlight progress, good practices and achievements and showcase Indigenous Peoples in official statistics; it also identifies challenges and offers recommendations for the way forward.
Findings show that while the Declaration has served as the impetus for positive change for over a decade, much more remains to be done, as Indigenous Peoples continue to face structural and legal barriers to their full, equal and effective participation in political, economic, social and cultural life. Although some countries have taken constitutional and legislative measures to recognize the rights and identities of Indigenous Peoples, exclusion, marginalization, and violence against Indigenous Peoples persist.
SOWIP examines the impact the Declaration has had on the lives of 370 million Indigenous Peoples living in an estimated 90 countries. Drawing on these trends and lessons, the publication presents recommendations on the way forward to implements the commitments of the Declaration in pursuit of the full realization of the rights of Indigenous Peoples around the world.
More information on the fourth edition of SOWIP and other editions can be found here >>>
Media Contact
For UN Department of Global Communications: Julia Hagl, Public Information Officer, Tel: 212-963-0943, email: hagl@un.org
For Indigenous Peoples and Development Branch – Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues: Mirian Masaquiza, Tel: 917-367-5100, email: Indigenous_un@un.org
Learn more about the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (A/RES/61/295) here >>>
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in different languages
English | Español | Français | Русский | عربي | 汉语 (PDF version)
English | Español | Français | Русский | عربي | 汉语 (Official Resolution Text)
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