
10th Anniversary of the UNDRIP at Colorado Law

10 August 2017

10th Anniversary of the UNDRIP at Colorado LawThe University of Colorado Law School and the Secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (SPFII) are hosting a two-day event on 13-14 September, 2017, to commemorate the Tenth Anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). The event will look back at the advocacy that resulted in the passage of the UN Declaration, discuss its present-day usage, and look ahead towards its implementation and future.

When:  13 and 14 September, 2017
Venue:  University of Colorado Law School, Wolf Law Building, 2450 Kittredge Loop Dr., Boulder, CO 80305
Online registration here
For more information click here or contact Kate Finn at

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