
PGA Final Consultations on Participation of Indigenous Peoples at UN

15 June 2016


A third draft was released on the basis of the electronic consultation as well as existing UN reports on Indigenous Peoples’ participation in the United Nations, earlier responses to questionnaires on Indigenous peoples’ participation at the UN and good practices within the UN and the consultative meetings with Member States and Indigenous Peoples on 11 and 18 May, on 30 June, as well as meetings held with Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Chair of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and members of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

The last consultative meeting took place on 30 June at 10 am. in Conference Room 1 at the United Nations. All Indigenous Peoples and Member States were invited to attend and contribute to the consultation.

To assist the discussions during 30th June consultations the advisers prepared a discussion paper as an addendum to the compilation. The Discussion paper can be found here.

The Advisers continue receiving inputs from Indigenous Peoples’ representatives who were not able to join the consultative meeting to They also encouraged all Indigenous all Indigenous Peoples’ representatives to share their views with those representatives that joined the consultative meeting.

More information click here >>>>



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