
High-level event to launch the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, UN Headquarters, New York

27 December 2022

On 16 December 2022, the President of the 77th session of the General Assembly, Csaba KŐRÖSI, convened a high-level event to launch of the 2022-2032 International Decade of Indigenous Languages in New York, in line with the 2022 General Assembly resolution 75/168

The high-level event took place at the GA Hall at the United Nations Headquarters. 

Concept Note


Invitation Letter from the PGA – Launch of IDIL – Indigenous Peoples Representatives

IDIL Concept Note

IDIL Final Programme

Recording of Event

Watch the recording of the High Level event here.



Statements delivered by:

Mr Csaba Kőrösi, President of the General Assembly, Opening Remarks

 Ms.Maria Francesca Spatolisano, Assistant Secretary-General, UNDESA



Mexico (on behalf of the Group of Friends of Indigenous Peoples)

Dominican Republic (on behalf of Central American Integration System)

European Union 

Dr Mariam Wallet Aboubakrine Indigenous Peoples’ Representative of the Socio-Cultural Region of Africa


New Zealand

Ms Aluki Kotierk, Indigenous Peoples’ Representative of the Socio-Cultural Region of the Arctic


Russian Federation



Mr Alvaro Pop, Indigenous Peoples’ Representative of the Socio-Cultural Region of Central and South American and the Caribbean


Bolivia (Plurinational State of)



Ms Rawinia Higgins, Indigenous Peoples’ Representative of the Socio-Cultural Region of the Pacific


El Salvador

Mr Dario Mejia Montalvo, President of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (delivered by Permanent Forum Member, Mr Phoolman Chaudhary)

Mr. Csaba Kőrösi, President of the General Assembly, Closing Remarks


Further Information

For more information on the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, please click here.

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