
Condolence Note for the passing of Ms. Moana Sinclair

27 June 2024

Condolence Note for the passing of Ms. Moana Sinclair

21 June 2024

On behalf of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and its Secretariat, I am sharing the sad news of the passing of Ms. Moana Sinclair on 30 May 2024. Moana was a lawyer, academic, and activist known for her work on Māori and Indigenous Peoples' rights. She worked for the United Nations in Geneva and New York and was one of the founding staff members of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in New York. She returned to New Zealand in 2004 and became the manager of the Treaty of Waitangi settlement team at Te Puni Kokiri, continuing her work on Indigenous Peoples’ rights.

The Permanent Forum and its Secretariat express their deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of Ms. Sinclair.                

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim


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