2010 Expert Group Meetings and Panel Discussions

Date: Mon, Jun 22 2015 | Expert Group Meetings
Time: 12:00am

12-14 January

The International United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Expert Group Meeting Indigenous Peoples: Development with Culture and identity: Articles 3 and 32 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was held at UN Headquarters in New York, on 12-14 January 2010.

The aim of the meeting was to:

-To analyze enshrined human rights within international standards and policies and how these contribute to indigenous peoples’ concept of development with culture and identity
- Promote an opportunity to exchange information and analysis on the various concepts of development.

For more information, please visit this website by clicking here.

28-30 June

The Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat in close collaboration with the World Bank organized at World Bank Headquarters in Washington, DC (USA) an “Expert meeting on environmental and ICT accessibility: innovative and cost-effective approaches to inclusive development”.

The Expert meeting aimed to promote greater awareness of environmental and ICT accessibility and advancement of persons with disabilities in the context of development, and to identify innovative and cost-effective approaches to accessibility both in the physical environment and in the fields of information and communications technologies as means to further inclusive processes of development.

For more information, please visit this website by clicking here.


15-17 September

UNDESA-DSPD in collaboration with the Economic Development and NEPAD Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, organized an Expert Group Meeting on “Poverty Eradication” from 15-17 September 2010, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, as part of the preparations for the 49th session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD).

The meeting was convened in the context of ECOSOC resolution 2010/L.5 in which the Economic and Social Council decided that the priority theme for the 2011-2012 review and policy cycle of the Commission should be “Poverty Eradication”, taking into account its relationship to social integration and full employment and decent work for all. The outcomes of the meeting provided important inputs to the work of the Commission, in particular contributing to reviewing the status of progress regarding poverty eradication as well as examining continuing challenges and prospects for poverty eradication in developing countries.