All too often, older persons face negative perceptions of older workers; age limits, penalties and denials of service imposed by insurance service providers and financial institutions; preconceived notions and negative attitudes on the part of medical staff; and age-based rationing of health care services or procedures.
Ageism rests on the assumption that discrimination against older persons is the norm and acceptable. It manifests itself in both individual and institutional behaviours and decisions that have a significant negative impact on the lives of older persons, contributing to their marginalization and social exclusion.
Older women are further disadvantaged by attitudinal factors approving the use of violence, ageism and sexism, particularly cultural values and social systems. As we celebrate this year’s 26th commemoration of the International Day of Older Persons, let us all Take a Stand Against Ageism For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/2016UNIDOP