Indeed, research paints a bleak global picture on the human rights of older women who suffer from multiple discrimination based on age and gender, and also points to inadequate legal protection at both national and international levels, where older women are often overlooked.
The focal point on ageing has organised an expert group meeting (EGM) on 'Neglect, Abuse and Violence of Older Women' in New York, which took place from 5 to 7 November 2013. The meeting offered an important opportunity to discuss definitional challenges, changing perceptions and emerging issues.
Participants from Asia, Africa Europe and North America discussed prevalence as well as sources of information and data. The meeting also identified potential risk factors to neglect, abuse and violence against older women, and assessed existing approaches to prevention and intervention.
In it's concluding session, experts suggested means to frame the debate about the neglect, abuse and violence of older women and proposed a way forward. The meeting was also attended by OHCHR New York Office, UNFPA, UNWOMEN, UN Statistics Division and UN Regional Commission New York Office.
Report of the Expert Group Meeting
- Background Paper on Neglect Abuse and Violence Against Older Women
- The World's Women 2010: Trend and Statistics: Chapter 6 on Violence Against Women
- Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women
- General Recommendation No. 27 on Older Women and Protection of their Human Rights
- Contribution by RashidaManjoo, Special Rapporteur on violence against women, on Violence and Abuse Against Older Persons in the Public and Private Spheres (2012)
- Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation
- UN Economic Commission for Europe Policy Brief on Ageing No 14: Abuse of Older Persons
- UN Development Account Inter-regional project on Enhancing Capacities to Eradicate Violence Against Women