Ensuring Healthy Ageing for All: Challenges and Opportunities in an Ageing World

Date: Mon, Apr 7 2025 | Event
Location: UNHQ, NY, CR.9
Time: 1:15 - 2:30pm

The side event provides a platform to examine the key challenges and persistent gaps in ensuring healthy ageing for all in an ageing world. Participants will share experiences, explore opportunities, and discuss practical, sustainable solutions to enhance healthcare access, economic security, social inclusion, and supportive environments for older persons. The discussion will contribute to advancing global efforts toward an age-inclusive society, ensuring that ageing remains a central priority in sustainable development and human rights agendas. The event is organized by DESA, ESCWA and the Global Coalition on Aging. It is sponsored by the Permanent Missions of Canada and Spain in partnership with Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales (IMERSO) in Spain, ECLAC, UNFPA and ILC Canada.

Concept Note (as of 14 March)