Population ageing has profound implications for many facets of human life. An ageing population will affect everything from economies, labor markets to health and social care. This prospect requires a better understanding of the implications and possibilities posed by population ageing as well as the situation of older persons themselves. While the older population is growing at an accelerated speed, many gaps in ageing related statistics and data exist, affecting the ability to develop targeted policies and programmes that address ageing related challenges.
Recently, demand for evidence based data and statistics on older persons has been generated by the negotiations on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. In order to implement a comprehensive Post-2015 Development Agenda, efforts to define a strategic framework for statistics under the socalled ‘transformative agenda for statistics’, point at integrating and broadening the scope of statistics and data collection. The agenda introduces innovations to incorporate non-traditional sources that so far have not been utilized in official statistics. These developments provide an opportunity for addressing the gaps and needs posed by ageing.
In this context, the Focal Point on Ageing is organizing an Expert Group Meeting on “Global ageing and the data revolution - the way forward in the post-2015 environment” in New York on 7-9 July 2015. The meeting aims at exploring how and which new and non-traditional data sources can support the policy and programme development on ageing issues. The outcome of the EGM seeks responds to the need for sound ageing related statistics and data as well as the needs that will arise from the targets contained in the Sustainable Development Goals and the Post-2015 environment.
Background Documents
- Sustainable development knowledge platform
- Transformative agenda for official statistics, Report of the Secretary-General
- Technical report by the Bureau of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) on the process of the development of an indicator framework for the goals and targets of the post-2015 development agenda
- Statistical Commission, Report on the forty-sixth session, 3-6 March 2015
Session I
The data revolution: opportunities and challenges
The data revolution: opportunities and challenges
Ms. Francesca Perucci, Chief, Statistical Services Branch, Statistics Division, DESA
Session II
The Sustainable Development Goals from an older person perspective: the data challenge
The Post-2015 Process and the Sustainable Development Agenda
Mr Paul Ladd, Senior Policy Adviser and Lead Author, Post-2015 and Sustainable Development Goals, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, UNDP Reflecting human rights issues in indicators
Ms. Grace Sanico Steffan – OHCHR, via videoconference
Session III
National and regional examples of data collection efforts on ageing issues
Efforts of the Philippine Statistical System (PSS) in Compiling Statistics on Population Ageing
Toward an ‘evidence revolution’ on ageing in Kenya: initiative, implications for SDG data revolution
Aging Research in the Arab Region Data Sources: Challenges and Opportunities
Ms Abla Mehio Sibai, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health
Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Session IV
Global Age Watch Index and the Active Ageing Index
Measuring progress on ageing for the SDGS with the Global AgeWatch Index
Ms Sylvia Beales, Head of Strategic Alliance, HelpAge International
Active Ageing Index 2014
A Legacy of the 2012 European Year for
Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations
Session V
E-participation: Enhancing data collection, policy making and monitoring through crowdsourcing Data & the Ageing Revolution Ms Julia Glidden, Founder & President @ 21c Consultancy Ltd
Session VI
Collecting new and non-traditional data and accountability mechanisms from older persons
Using Qualitative Data to Develop Quantitative study Designed to Influence aging Policy
Session VII:
Group discussions: Opportunities and challenges of the data revolution vis-à-vis the ageing agenda in a post-2015 environment
Session VIII: Recommendations for harnessing the data revolution to develop age-friendly policy and programme development post-2015