International Day of Older Persons 2001

Date: Thu, Oct 4 2001 | International Day
Location: New York, USA
Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm


The 11th Annual Celebration of the International Day of Older Persons

"The Challenge for the Second World Assembly on Ageing: Building a Society for All Ages”

Thursday, 4 October 2001 10:00 am to 4:00 pm United Nations Headquarters, New York Morning Session:

“Expectations for the Second World Assembly on Ageing”


  • Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations
  • H.E Bagher Asadi, Ambassador, Islamic Republic of Iran and Chair of the Group of 77 and China
  • H.E. Madina B. Jarbussynova, Ambassador, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • H.E. Dieter Kastrup, Ambassador, Germany
  • Representatives from Civil Society and Youth

Special Guest:

  • Marcel Marceau, UN Goodwill Ambassador for the Second World Assembly on Ageing

Afternoon Session:

“Grassroots Involvement and the Second World Assembly on Ageing”


  • Ambassador Julia Alvarez, Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic, United Nations Representatives and International NGOs speaking on the proposed International Plan of Action on Ageing and the April 2002 NGO Forum (followed by discussion)
  • Video Presentation: Global Celebrations of the International Day of Older Persons
  • A special appearance by the UN Singers!!

Sponsored by the NGO Committee on Aging, United Nations, NY in collaboration with the UN Department of Public Information and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs