The theme of International Day of Older Persons 2016 is
Take a Stand Against Ageism
The 2016 United Nations International Day of Older Persons (UNIDOP) (1 October) will take a stand against ageism by drawing attention to and challenging negative stereotypes and misconceptions about older persons and ageing.
Ageism is a widely prevalent and prejudicial attitude that stems from the assumption that age discrimination, and sometimes neglect and abuse of older persons is a social norm and therefore, acceptable. It is a reality in some form in all societies, and finds expression in individuals’ attitudes, institutional and policy practices, as well as media representation that devalue and exclude older persons. In 2014, Governments around the world adopted a resolution (E/RES/2014/7) at the Economic and Social Council that recognized ageism as “the common source of, the justification for and the driving force behind age discrimination.”
Such discrimination shapes how older persons are treated and perceived by their societies, including in medical settings and workplaces, creating environments that limit older persons’ potential and impact their health and well-being. The failure to tackle ageism undermines older persons’ rights and hinders their contributions to social, economic, cultural and political life. The 2016 commemoration of the United Nations International Day of Older Persons at UN Headquarters in New York will take place on 6 October.
Remarks of the President of the seventy first session of the UN General Assembly
Message from the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉语
- Listen to UN Radio interview with Keynote Speaker Ashton Applewhite "People are happiest at the "ends of their lives" anti-ageism author says"
- Read UNDESA Interview with Rosemary Lane, Focal Point on Ageing on taking a stand against ageism
- Who was there? Check out UNDESA photos https://flic.kr/s/aHskJjhySb and photo gallery courtesy of UN NGO Committee on Ageing in NY http://www.deutschphoto.com/view-photos/idop-2016
More Events UNIDOP Commemoration in Geneva, Switzerland (NGO Committee on Ageing, Geneva)
Related information
- WHO - International Day of Older Persons website
- Older Persons & 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (InfoGraphic)
- Economic and Social Council resolution 2014/7 on Further implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, 2002
- World Health Organization's Global strategy and action plan on ageing and health
- Open-ended Working Group on Ageing for the purpose of strengthening the protection of the human rights of older persons
- Confront Ageism - or the Rest is Noise by Ashton Applewhite, Author of “This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto against Ageism”
- Challenging Ageism through Programmes and Campaigns by Necodimus Chipfupa, Regional Director of HelpAge International’s Southern Africa
- Global Strategy and action plan on ageing and health (2016-2020) by Alana Officer, Senior Health Adviser, Ageing and Life Course, WHO, Geneva
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- Follow us on twitter @UN4Ageing
- Use #UNIDOP for all you tweets on the 26th International Day of Older Persons
- Celebrating #UNIDOP? Planning a special activity? We want to know! Tweet or email us at dspd-ageing@un.org