Third review and appraisal of the MIPAA

23 January 2017
Follow-up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing

The new report of the Secretary-General on the "Third review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, 2002" provides an analysis of the preliminary findings of the third review and appraisal exercise, including the identification of prevalent and emerging issues and related policy options.

In view of the timeline for carrying out the third review and appraisal of the Madrid Plan of Action, and given that the global review will take place in 2018, Member States have not yet presented their national reports to the United Nations regional commissions. Therefore, the findings outlined in the report are preliminary in nature and are based on submissions prepared by the regional commissions using supporting information available to the Secretariat, covering the period from 2012 to 2016. The report of the Secretary-General for the global review to be held at the fifty-sixth session of the Commission for Social Development will provide the basis for suggested policy options for the consideration of Member States.

The purpose of the report is to inform the Commission of the preliminary main findings of the third review and appraisal exercise, including the identification of key priority areas and regional perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of ageing. The report also includes information about the regional preparations to date for the third review and appraisal exercise, including actions, activities and t he utilization of a bottom-up participatory approach.

Read the full report on the "Third review and appraisal of the MIPAA".

Learn more about the 55th Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD55).

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