UN Network on Ageing Newsletter-Issue 54

07 August 2015

Report of the Secretary-General to the 69th session of the General Assembly
The most recent report of the Secretary-General entitled “Follow-up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing: Report of the Secretary-General" (A/69/180) has been issued and is available in all official languages of the United Nations. The report focuses on two issues that have been singled out as critical to the well-being and human rights of older persons, namely, addressing age-based discrimination and neglect, and abuse and violence. The report also provides updated information on recent major policy developments in the regions, publications and civil society initiatives.

Sub-regional Workshop on the Social Integration and Rights of Older Persons in the Asia-Pacific region
DESA, UNESCAP and the Asia-Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (APF), with the support of UNFPA, HelpAge International and the International Federation of Ageing, are jointly organizing a Workshop on the Social Integration and Rights of Older Persons in the Asia-Pacific region, to foster a regional dialogue towards building consensus around promoting social integration and rights of older persons. The overall objective of the Workshop is to enhance awareness of different stakeholders in the region on how national legislations could better contribute to the social integration of older persons and the promotion and protection of their rights. The Workshop specifically aims at (1) facilitating an exchange of information and good practices on existing national legislation aimed at the promotion and protection of older persons’ rights in the region; (2) fostering a dialogue among participants on implementation of existing legislation, normative gaps and ways to address these gaps; and (3) initiating a dialogue among stakeholders in the region on how to best contribute to the work of the General Assembly's Open-ended Working Group on Ageing.
Stay tuned to more information on the DSPD/Ageing website

24th International Day of Older Persons 2014: Leaving No One Behind: Promoting a Society for All
The theme of this year's 24th commemoration of the International Day of Older Persons (1 October) is “Leaving No One Behind: Promoting a Society for All”. Living up to the Secretary-General's guiding principle of "Leaving No-One Behind" necessitates the understanding that demography matters for sustainable development and that population dynamics will shape the key developmental challenges that the world in confronting in the 21st century. Not addressing older persons means not addressing 20 per cent of the global population by 2030, where there will be more people over 60 than children under 10, with the most rapid change in age structures occurring in the developing world. If our ambition is to "Build the Future We Want", we must address the population over 60 which is expected to reach 1.4 billion by 2030.
UNDESA-DSPD and the NGO Committee on Ageing are celebrating the 2014 International Day of Older Persons.
Spread the Word!
Use #UNIDOP and #IDOP2014 for all you tweets on the 24th International Day of Older Persons (1 October 2014)
Celebrating #IDOP2014? Planning a special activity? We want to know! Tweet or email us at dspd-ageing@un.org

We want to hear from you! Take the Survey and Celebrate International Day for Disaster Reduction 2014: Resilience for Life
On 13 October 2014, the International Day for Disaster Reduction will be celebrated which this year is titled “Resilience is for life” and will focus on the contributions of older persons to disaster risk reduction and resilience. As part of the activities leading to the International Day for Disaster Reduction celebrations in October, UNISDR and its partner HelpAge International are inviting older persons and their caregivers to complete the following survey. This information will be very important to understand older persons' knowledge and experiences with disasters in the run up to the International Day for Disaster Risk on 13 October 2014.
Spread the Word!
Use #IDDR2014 for your tweets on the International Day for Disaster Reduction
For more information, contact UNISDR's Communication Team at unisdrcomms@un.org

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