Civil Society Forum 2021 - Digital Inclusion in Education & Social Protection for All

Date: Tue, Feb 9 2021 | Webinar
Time: 12:00am

Rapid advancement in digital technologies provides unparalleled opportunities for innovation across education, health care, and social sectors. Yet, over three billion individuals are deprived of these advantages, lacking even the most basic access to the internet particularly among women, indigenous peoples, the impoverished, the elderly, and other vulnerable groups.
Government emergency responses to COVID-19 rely on digital technology to assist with needs regarding health and social welfare. Such digital technologies have been utilized in affluent communities, overlooking the fact that many communities do not have access to the internet. This emphasizes the need for such measures to be built into permanent and integrated social protection systems, such as housing, health, education, and public services.
Digital technology is not neutral. Big data, algorithms, and artificial intelligence are informed by existing human biases and reinforce stereotypes, perpetuating discrimination, and inequity. Disparities are also pervasive among existing users of digital technology. Gender biases contribute to compromised technological literacy in women, resulting in fewer women in STEM fields and less participation in innovation. Access and literacy are inextricably linked and together have the power to connect the most vulnerable communities to social benefits, culture, healthcare, and education, among much more.