Civil Society Forum 2021 - Digital Technology & Good Governance: Creating a Legal Environment that Protects Human Rights, Respects Privacy, and Prevents Abuses

Date: Thu, Feb 11 2021 | Webinar
Time: 12:00am

Global digital governance must be guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the design, development, and implementation stages, to protect both people and the planet.
Effective and responsive digital governance emerges from input, active public participation and accountability to multiple stakeholders, including persons at the grassroots. Values such as inclusion, equity, security, and transparency are the underpinnings of digital governance. Continual education and skill-building to ensure meaningful participation in governance and knowledge of human rights and labour protections is of great importance moving forward.
Meeting constituents’ needs calls for governments to upgrade infrastructure, upskill staff, and ensure data is readily exchanged, in order to inform decisions and deliver services efficiently. The new era of digital governance should be regulated in a way that protects human rights, privacy, and prevent abuses and discrimination.