Theme: "Families Matter for the Achievement of Development Goals; International Year of the Family + 20"
Family Futures, Commemorative Publication by Tudor Rose
Message from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉语
Biographical notes of panellists
Video of Civil Society in Support of the Declaration
Video Civil Society Working for Families Worldwide
- Karen Bogenschneider
Building Better Public Policy for Families: Communicating Research and Analysis to Policymakers - Noor Al-Malki Al- Jehani
Beyond 2014: Making families matter - Peter Crowley
Documenting Contributions of Civil Society to the Well-being of Families: a Study Update - Raymond Mutura
Declaration of the Civil Society on the occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family - Interviews with panellists
UN News Centre: UN officials highlight role of families in achieving development, advancing better world
UNDESA: Focusing on role of families in achieving development for a better world
UN Radio Interviews
- Ms. Noor Al Malki Al Jehani, Executive Director, Doha International Family Institute (Arabic)
- Mr. Raymond Mutura, Area Vice-President for English-Speaking Africa, IFFD (English)