Expert Group Meeting on “Families in Development: Focus on Modalities for IYF+30, Parenting Education and the Impact of COVID-19”
The Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social affairs (UN DESA) is organizing an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on “Families in Development” to be held online 16-18 June 2020.
The EGM is to address the following issues:
- Appropriate ways and means for the preparations and observance of the thirtieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family (IYF) and beyond (2020-2024)
- Parenting education in the context of Sustainable Development Goal 16 and beyond
- The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on families and parenting
Concerning the appropriate ways and means to observe the thirtieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family (IYF+30), DISD proposes to focus on the major trends identified by the United Nations Secretariat, including the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and their impact on families. The major trends are:
- New technologies
- Climate change
- Urbanization & international migration
- Demographic change
Specific areas of research on family-oriented policies to effectively tackle those trends will be discussed. Further, a follow-up to the family-oriented policies for the achievement of selected SDGs will be reviewed. This may include the analysis of proposals of Member States, UN entities and other stakeholders (received in response to the Note Verbale sent by the Secretariat).
Time permitting, the EGM may also highlight recent good practices in family policy making.
In terms of parenting and parenting education the meeting will focus on their relevance for the achievement of SDG16, i.e. for promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development and social cohesion. Parenting education for strong inter-generational interactions will include the concept and significance of positive parenting. Regional overviews of parenting education will be presented. Gender perspectives on care and parenting and the role of fathers as well as the importance of grandparents will also be addressed.
In addition, the meeting will focus on parenting education to prevent all forms of violence against children within families and beyond. Types of violence against children within families will be discussed. In particular, the negative consequences of corporal punishment will be addressed, as well as perceptions, cultural constraints, advocacy and awareness raising efforts. Further, the promotion of non-violent forms of discipline will be highlighted.
Download the full report of the meeting
- “Mega trends and families” by Bahira Trask
- “Positive parenting: concept and applications” by Ignacio Socias
- “Parenting education in Europe” by Mihaela Robila
- “COVID-19 and parenting in Canada” by Nora Spinks
- “Parenting education in Latin America” by Rosario Esteinou
- “Parenting Styles and Programs What works for better Parenting in the MENA Region” by Ahmed Aref
- “Unpaid care work in times of the COVID-19 crisis” by Esuna Duragova
- “Parenting education: the role of fathers” by Clara Alemann
- “Grandparenting: focus on Asia” by Soohyun Kim
- “Civil society perspectives on parenting education and grandparenting” by José Alejandro Vázquez Alarcón
- “Mega Trends and Families: The Impact of Demographic Shifts, International Migration and Urbanization, Climate Change, and Technological Transformations” by Bahira Trask
- “Positive parenting: Concept and Applications” by Ignacio Socias
- “Global Perspective on Corporal Punishment and its Effects on Children” by Ben Freer
- “Parenting Education in Europe” by Mihaela Robila
- “Families “Safe at Home”: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Parenting in Canada” by Nora Spinks, Sara MacNaull, Jennifer Kaddatzii
- “Parenting Education in Latin America” by Rosario Esteinou
- “Parenting Styles and Programs: What Works for better Parenting in the MENA Region?” by Ahmed Aref
- “Unpaid care work in times of the COVID-19 crisis” by Esuna Duragova
- “The Role of Fathers in Parenting for Gender Equality” by Clara Alemann, Aapta Garg, & Kristina Vlahovicova
- “Grandparenting: Focus on Asia” by Soohyun Kim
- “Civil Society Perspectives on Parenting Education and Grandparenting” by José Alejandro Vázquez Alarcón