Good Practices in Family Policy Making

13 October 2022

In 2022, UNDESA sent a Note Verbale to Member States and UN entities requesting the provision of information on the following topics:


  • Family-oriented efforts in support of managing the use of new technologies, including harnessing new technologies to improve work-family balance and promote parenting education;
  • Family-oriented policies and programmes that promote inclusive urbanization, access to affordable housing, intergenerational living arrangements and other measures;
  • Strategies and programmes promoting orderly migration, including family reunification policies;
  • Family-oriented policies in response to current demographic trends including ageing, such as support for all generations in the family, including older persons;
  • Measures promoting sustainable management of climate change benefiting families;
  • Ways and means to observe the thirtieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family, which may include national, regional and international meetings, awareness raising events and other initiatives.

The following responses have been received:

Member States

United Nations entities:

Regional entities

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