International Expert Group Meeting on the Convention on Biological Diversity's International Regime on Access and Benefit Sharing and Indigenous Peoples' Human Rights
17 – 19 January 2007, New York
Report of the International Expert Group Meeting on the Convention on Biological Diversity's International Regime on Access and Benefit-Sharing and Indigenous Peoples' Human Rights
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March 26 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)
John Scott
Recent Developments on Access to Genetic Resources and Benfit Sharing Under the Convention on Biological Diversity - Powerpoint Presentation
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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt)
John Scott
Recent Developments on Access to Genetic Resources and Benfit Sharing Under the Convention on Biological Diversity
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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)
Joji Cariño
Indigenous Peoples: Their Central Role and Contributions to an International Regime on Access and Benefit-Sharing
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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)
Yolanda Terán Maigua
Factores que permiten u obstruyen la participación de los Pueblos Indígenas en los procesos del Convenio de Diversidad Biológica, CDB
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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)
Sem T Shikongo
The issues around the negotiation of the International Regime on Access and benefit-sharing and the effective participation of local and indigenous communities in this negotiation process: An African Perspective
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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)
Delivered by Benoît Gauthier
Statement by the Observer Delegaion of Canada
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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)
Debra Harry, Le`a Malia Kanehe, Estebancio Castro Dias
Potential Threats to Indigenous Peoples' Rights by the Convention on Biological Diversity's Proposed International Regime on Access and Benefit Sharing
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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)
Mattias Åhrén
Contribution by Mattias Åhrén
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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)
Merle Alexander
The Role of Traditional Knowledge Protocols in conjunction with a Certificate of Origin/Source/Legal Provenance ABS Regime
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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)
Draft Programme of Work for EGM on CBD and ABS
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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)
Draft Agenda for EGM on CBD and ABS
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February 23 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)
Draft Provisional Agenda for EGM on CBD and ABS
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February 22 2007 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)