20-22 June 2011, Geneva, Switzerland The Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, in close collaboration with the International Labour Organization (IL0) is organizing a high-level Expert Group Meeting on “Poverty Eradication” from 20-22 June 2011, in Geneva, Switzerland, as part of the preparations for the 50th session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD), which is scheduled to take place in New York in February 2012.
The meeting is convened in the context of ECOSOC resolution 2010/L.5 in which the Economic and Social Council decided that the priority theme for the 2011-2012 review and policy cycle of the Commission should be “Poverty Eradication, taking into account its relationship to social integration and full employment and decent work for all.” The outcomes of the meeting will provide important inputs to the work of the Commission, in particular contributing to formulation of policies that have been shown to have a major impact on efforts to reduce poverty.
- Report of the Independent Expert on the question of human rights and extreme poverty, Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona - A/HRC/17/34
- Enhancing the Role of NGOs in Poverty Alleviation: Challenges and Opportunities by Catherine Ferguson
- Governance, Development and Poverty Eradication by Goran Hyden
- The role of the State and the Market in Poverty Eradication by Minquan Liu
- Agriculture, rural livelihoods and poverty eradication by Bettina Prato
- Global crises and poverty eradication efforts in the least developed countries: some perspectives from the Asia-Pacific LDCs By Syed Nuruzzaman
- Growth, Inequality, and Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries:Recent Global Evidence by Augustin Kwasi FOSU
- Sustaining effective anti-poverty programmes beyond transformation: Challenges and way forward by Julian May
- Rethinking poverty eradication efforts post-2015 Issues Note for Discussion by Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
- Social institutions, social policies and redistributive measures for poverty reduction by Sarah Cook
- Agriculture, rural livelihoods and poverty eradication:Policy lessons from the food price crises by Bettina Prato
- Social institutions, social policy and redistributive poverty reduction by Sarah Cook
- Enhancing the role of NGOs and civil society in poverty alleviation: challenges and opportunities by Catherine Ferguson
- Poverty Eradication: Policy Directions by Mr. Jomo, K.S.
- Rethinking poverty: progress, measurement and policy prescriptions by Mr. Jomo K.S.
- The role of the State and the market in poverty eradication by Minquan Liu
- Growth, Inequality and Poverty Reduction: Latest Comparative Country Evidence by Augustin K. Fosu
- Macroeconomic policies for poverty reduction: drawing lessons from the Washington Consensus - Post- Washington Consensus debate by Rashid Amjad
- Governance, development and poverty eradication by Goran Hyden
- Long term impacts of global crises on human development: mechanisms and policies by Shantanu Mukherjee
- Rethinking poverty eradication efforts post‐2015 by Sakiko Fukuda‐Parr