Expert Group Meeting on Promoting people’s empowerment in achieving poverty eradication, social integration and productive and decent work for all
10–12 September 2012, United Nations Headquarters, New York
Click here to view the final report of the meeting
DESA’s Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) is organizing an expert group meeting on “Promoting people’s empowerment in achieving poverty eradication, social integration and full employment and decent work for all” at the United Nations in New York on 10-12 September 2012.
The meeting is part of preparations for the 51st session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD), scheduled to take place in February 2013. It will provide important input to the work of the Commission contributing to policies that will have a major impact on promoting empowerment.
There are two ways in which the online community can contribute with ideas and questions, because DSPD wants to hear from you and your input matters to us!
There is an online survey on empowerment, running through 5 September for you to make recommendations to the work of the 51st session of the Commission for Social Development.
Just launched and available until 7 September, is also an online forum on Facebook, where you can share questions on Empowerment. You can also send in queries via Twitter using @UNDESA and #EmpowerPeople. Questions should focus on the theme of the expert group meeting and must also be linked to social groups including people living in poverty, youth, older persons, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and families.
A video featuring the experts answering selected questions from the online community will be available on 12 September on DESA’s Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/unitednationsdesa
Opening Session
Welcoming Remarks
Ambassador Francis Lorenzo, President South-South News
Opening Statement
Mr. Wu Hongbo, Under-Secretary-General, Department for Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)
Ms. Daniela Bas, Director, Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD, DESA)
Photos of the EGM
For more information
- 51st Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD)
- Experts answer online questions on empowerment
- Facebook forum:http://bit.ly/EmpowermentForum
- DESA on Twitter @UNDESA #EmpowerPeople
- DESA on Youtube: www.youtube.com/unitednationsdesa