In its resolution E/CN.5/2019/L.5, the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations decided that the priority theme for the fifty-eighth session of the Commission for Social Development, which shall allow the Commission to contribute to the work of the Council, will be “Affordable housing and social protection systems for all to address homelessness”. The expert group meeting is convened in the context of this resolution and in preparation for the fifty-eighth session of the Commission to be held in February 2020, which will produce a negotiated policy outcome (a resolution) on the priority theme.
The outcomes of the meeting will contribute to the work of the Commission by providing concrete, evidence-based recommendations on policies for addressing homelessness, with a particular focus on the roles of affordable housing and social protection for all. The meeting is expected to provide guidance and key input for the preparation of the report of the Secretary-General on the priority theme.
The expert group meeting aims to review major drivers of homelessness, identify existing gaps and priority areas for interventions, and make specific policy recommendations on effective housing and social protection policies to address homelessness in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The meeting will build on the outcomes of the fifty-seventh session of the Commission for Social Development that have discussed on how to address inequalities and challenges to social inclusion through fiscal, wage and social protection policies. The meeting will focus on affordable housing policies and strategies that have proven to be successful in providing social protection for all at the national levels. The meeting also aims to deepen the understanding of the complex causes of homelessness, the challenges faced by homeless people and the effects of homelessness on individuals and societies. The meeting will also review systemic barriers that perpetuate existing inequalities and exclusion, especially for vulnerable groups and individuals who live in the margins of society, within the context of the 2030 Agenda.
All of the above will facilitate the deliberations of the Commission for Social Development at its fifty-eighth session and the 2019 High-level Political Forum under the theme of “Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality”. Experts will have the opportunity to engage in open and inclusive discussions through various sessions.
Report of the Expert Group Meeting by UNDESA
Report of the Expert Group Meeting by UN-Habitat
- Affordable Housing and Homelessness - Challenges across the OECD by Marissa Plouin
- “The right to adequate housing in older age”, HelpAge International by Roseline Kihumba
- Appraisal of National Housing Policy - A Case of Pakistan by Dr. Fariha Tariq
- Policies to Reduce Homelessness among Women and Female-headed Households by Dr. Ifeyinwa Ofong
- Addressing Homelessness Through Public Works Programmes in South Africa by Prof. Emeka E Obioha
- The State of Homelessness in Developing Countries by Dr. Suzanne Speak
- State of Homelessness in Countries with Developed Economies by the Institute of Global Homelessness
- Eviction: Intersection of Poverty, Inequality, and Housing by Dr. Ashley Gromis
- The Impact of Personal & Family Circumstances on Homelessness by Jean Quinn
- National Survey on the Homeless Population in Brazil: giving a face to homelessness and formulating strategies and policies to address homelessness by Roberta Mélega Cortizo
- Human mobility in the context of climate change, natural disasters, and conflict by Saidou HAMANI
- Social Protection Systems for All to Prevent Homelessness and Facilitate Access to Adequate Housing by International Labour Office
- Affordable Housing and Homelessness: Challenges across the OECD by Marissa Plouin
- Public space and homelessness by Cecilia Andersson
- Policies to Assist Homeless OVC and other Vulnerable Children and Youth by Dr. David Ayuku
- Social protection systems for all to prevent homelessness and facilitate access to adequate housing by Christina Behrendt and Valérie Schmitt
- Homelessness in developed countries by Dame Louise Casey
- National survey on the homeless population in Brazil: Giving a face to homelessness by Roberta Meléga Cortizo
- Challenges in Affordable housing delivery by Debra L. Erb
- The effects of rapid urbanization and rural to urban migration on affordable housing and homelessness in Ethiopia by Dr. Tegegne Gebre-Egziabher
- Eviction: Intersection of poverty, inequality and housing by Dr. Ashley Gromis
- Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change, Natural Disasters, and Conflicts by Saidou Hamani
- How can the private sector contribute to affordable housing by Thierno-Habib Hann
- Finnish Housing First policy – Designing and implementing with people having experienced homelessness by Dr. Taina Meriluoto
- Addressing homelessness through public works programmes in South Africa by Dr. Emeka E. Obioha
- Policies to reduce homelessness among women and female-headed households by Dr. Ifeyinwa Ofong
- Affordable housing and homelesssness: Challenges across the OECD by Marissa Plouin
- The impact of personal and family circumstances on homelessness by Jean Quinn, DW
- Homelessness and the SDGs by Jesús Salcedo
- The impacts of structural changes, underemployment, stagnant or falling wages and less secure jobs on homelessness by Ken Chamuva Shawa
- Inclusive urban development policies by Kerstin Sommer
- The state of homelessness in the developing world by Dr. Suzanne Speak
- Policies to promote affordable housing in Pakistan by Dr. Fariha Tariq
- Social protection systems for all to prevent homelessness and facilitate access to adequate housing, ILO (2019)
- Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context (2017)
- Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context (2015)
- Summary of the Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing
- US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - Office of Policy Development and Research publications
- Fourth Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe 2019
- Falling Through the Cracks: Exposing Inequalities in the EU and Beyond