Expert group meeting Policies and strategies to promote empowerment of people in achieving poverty eradication, social integration and full employment and decent work for all
10 -11 September 2013 United Nations Secretariat Building, New York
Click here to view the recommendations of the meeting
1. Draft agenda
2. Concept note
3. Background paper - ''The role of the State in empowering poor and excluded groups and individuals'' - Duncan Green
4. Contributed papers
- ''National Implementation of International Human Rights, Social Inclusion and the Empowerment of People'' - Savitri Goonesekere
- ''Participatory Governance and Institutional Change'' - Jeremy Holland
- ‘’Social Protection and its Contribution to Social Inclusion'' - Babken Babajanian
- ''Can Participation Be Induced? Some Evidence from Developing Countries'' - Ghazala Mansuri, Vijayendra Rao
- ''Empowering Indigenous Peoples'' - Kanyinke Sena
- ''Supporting poor rural people’s empowerment through policy solutions for natural resource management and agriculture'' - Bettina Prato
- ''Experiences of policies and practices of empowering older people in Africa'' - Amleset Tewodros
- ''Empowerment and the Delivery of Public Services: A Note'' - Anil B. Deolalikar and Shikha Jha
- ''The Impact of Health and Nutrition Programmes in the Participation of Vulnerable Groups in Economic, Social and Political Life'' - Dianne J. R. Forte
- ''Towards Sustainable Development that Leaves No One Behind: The Challenge of the Post-2015 Agenda'' - International Movement ATD Fourth World
- "Supporting the Empowerment of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities: A strategy to promote poverty eradication, using the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)" - Catalina Devandas
- "Credit, Microfinance and Empowerment" - Raghav Gaiha and Vani S. Kulkarni
5. Presentations
- ''The role of the State in empowering poor and excluded groups and individuals'' - Duncan Green & Sophie King
- ''Supporting poor rural people’s empowerment through policy solutions for natural resource management and agriculture'' - Bettina Prato
- "Localizing Development: Does participation work?" - Ghazala Mansuri, Vijayendra Rao
- "Participatory Governance and Institutional Change" - Jeremy Holland
- "Addressing Discrimination Against People Living in Poverty" - NGO Committee for Social Development, represented by International Movement ATD Fourth World
- "Experiences of policies and practices of empowering older people in Africa" - Amleset Tewodros
- "Empowering At Risk Groups through Human Development" - Jon Hall
- "Credit, Microfinance and Empowerment" - Raghav Gaiha and Vani S. Kulkarni
- "Empowerment and Public Services" - Anil B. Deolalikar
- "The Role of Active Participation and Citizen Engagement in Good Governance" - Elia Armstrong
- "Removing obstacles to justice" - International Development Law Organization (IDLO) to the United Nations
- "Strategies and Pathways of Empowerment: Issues and Framing of the EGM" - Sarah Cook
- "Empowerment through decent work and social protection floors" - Vinicius Pinheiro
- "Social protection and its contribution to social inclusion" - Babken Babajanian
- "E-Participation: Empowering People through ICTs" - Amine Lamrabat
- "Supporting the Empowerment of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities" - Catalina Devandas
- "Empowering Indigenous Peoples" - Paul Kanyinke Sena
- "The case for empowerment through intergovernmental action" - Patience W. Stephens
- "Empowerment of youth" - Satvika Chalasani
6. Additional reading
- Report of the Secretary-General on the priority theme of the 2013 session of the Commission for Social Development: Promoting empowerment of people in achieving poverty eradication, social integration and full employment and decent work for all English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉语
- Report of the Secretary-General on implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉语
- Report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights
- ''Citizen engagement'' - John Gaventa and Gregory Barrett
- ''Organizing workers in the informal economy'' - Naila Kabeer, Kirsty Milward & Ratna Sudarshan
- "Citizen Engagement and the Post-2015 Development Agenda" - UNESCWA