17-18 July 2014
UNHQ-New York, Conference Room S-2728
Summary of the EGM
Experts Papers and Presentations
- Session I, John Mathiason-Renewing Social Development in the 21st Century
- Session I, Rolph van der Hoeven-Twenty years after the WSSD: Elements of a framework for social development beyond 2015
- Session II, Eddy Lee-Changes in the world of work 1995-2014
- Session III, Santosh Mehrotra-Eradicating povety: what’s new?
- Session IV, Christian Albrekt Larsen-Social cohesion: definition, measurement and developments
- Session V, Cook and Dugarova-Rethinking social development for post-2015 world
- Session I, Rolph van der Hoeven_WSSD-a comprehensive policy framework 17 July
- Session I, Mathiason Presentation 2014
- Session III, Shantanu Mukherjee – Eradicating Poverty
- Session V, Rolph van der Hoeven-Elements of a framework for social development beyond 2015 18 July
- Session VI, Irena Zubcevic_ UN and post -2015 development agenda
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