EGM on Social Development and Agenda 2030, 21-27 October 2015

Date: Wed, Oct 21 - Tue, Oct 27 2015 | Expert Group Meetings
Location: New York, USA
Time: All day
EGM on Social Development and Agenda 2030, 21-27 October 2015

The Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) of UNDESA will organize an expert group meeting on "Social development and Agenda 2030" to position the Division for better supporting Member States in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The objective of this meeting is to prepare DSPD for its support the work of the Commission beyond 2015 by providing a strategic framework for addressing sustainable development from a social perspective. Building on the work of the Division, including the outcomes of the expert group meeting on “Strengthening social development in the contemporary world” (May 2015, New York), the meeting will produce a set of concrete and action-orientated recommendations.

In specific, the meeting aims to:

1. Analyze the Sustainable Development Goals with a social lens, and identify options for reviewing the progress of their social dimensions in order to achieve inclusive social development objectives;
2. Identify areas that require greater policy coherence to effectively address inter-linkages and create synergies among the three dimensions;
3. Review how to address specific needs of (or how to involve) vulnerable social groups, in particular, youth, older persons, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, as cross-cutting issues in the implementation of the 17 SDGs, and
4. Examine how to harmonise the implementation of the SDGs with the implementation of and follow-up to existing policies and instruments related to social groups (i.e., conventions, treaties, you policy, etc.) into 17 Goals.

Concept Note
Draft Agenda

Final Report of the EGM

Background Documents

Expert Papers

Expert Presentations

Useful Documents