19-20 May 2015
United Nations Headquarters, New York
Background Papers
Summary of the 2014 EGM on Rethinking and Strengthening Social Development: Progress in Advancing Social Development and Lessons Learned
Report of the Secretary-General on the priority theme of the 53rd session of the Commission for Social Development
Note by the Secretariat on Emerging Issues: contributions of social development to the transition from the MDGs to the sustainable development goals
Chair's summary of the priority theme (CSocD53)
Draft summary of the emerging issues (CSocD53)
Summary of the E- Dialogue on Rethinking and Strengthening Social Development in the Contemporary World Organized by UNDESA/DSPD in collaboration with UNDP 6 - 24 April 2015
Experts Papers
Towards a progressive and more coherent social policy framework: A think piece connecting social development concerns, notions and discourses by Gabriele Köhler
Reducing vulnerability and building resilience – what does it entail? by Andrew Shepherd
Framing Social Inclusion Policies by Frances Stewart
New challenges for and new directions in social policy by Ilcheong Yi
Strengthening social development in the contemporary context: Lessons from Latin American and the Caribbean by Simone Cecchini
Jobs and Sustainable Development: How do Labor Policies and Institutions fit in? by Gordon Betcherman
Social Protection and Social Policy Systems in the MENA Region: Emerging Trends by Rana Jawad
Experts Presentations
Strengthening social development in the contemporary context: Lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean by Simone Cecchini
Jobs and Sustainable developmentHow do Labor Policies and institutions fit in? by Gordon Betcherman
Engaging the private sector in strengthening social development: Remarks of Ursula Wynhoven
New challenges for and new directions in social policy by Ilcheong Yi
Reducing vulnerability and building resilience – what does it entail? by Andrew Shepherd
Contribution by Daniel Perell, NGO Committee on Social Development
The Role of Social Development in Achieving Environmental Goals by Remarks of Elliott Harris
Priority Areas for Social Development: Perspectives from Africa by Eunice G. Kamwendo
Towards a progressive and more coherent social policy framework: connecting concerns, notions and discourses. A think piece by Gabriele Köhler
Framing Social Inclusion Policies by Frances Stewart
Useful Documents
Development and Welfare Policy in South Asia by Gabriele Koehler and Deepta Chopra
Policy integration in government in pursuit of the sustainable development goals: Report of the expert group meeting held on 28-29 January 2015 at United Nations Headquarters, New York
Strategies and Options for Scaling up and enhancing the Child Grant Nationally in Nepal by Gabriele Koehler
Religion and the Post 2015 dynamics by Azza Karam
Improving People's Lives: The New Organizing Principle
The Birth of the Social Summit: The Political Compatibility of Social and Economic Efficiency
Valuing the Dignity of Work
Road to Recovery: Cash transfers as emergency response to Napa;'s earthquake of 2015 and a catalyst for consolidating Nepal's social protection floor by Gabriele Köhler
Helpful links
Committee of Experts on Public Administration: Report on the fourteenth session (20-24 April 2015)
Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Social Policy Network
Is There an »Asian Welfare State Model«? East and South Asian Trajectories and Approaches to the Welfare State by Gabriele Koehler
Sustainable Development knowledge Platform
Open Working Group proposal for Sustainable Development Goals
Social Protection Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean
Social Panorama of Latin America 2014
Inclusive Social Protection in Latin America: a comprehensive, rights-based approach
Social protection systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: a comparative view