27-29 May 2015
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Experts Papers and Presentations
- Challenges in eradicating chronic poverty: what policies for pro-poorest growth and decent work for all? by Chiara Mariotti
- Exports, Diversification and Employment in Africa by Patrick Osakwe
- FAO’s efforts to promote decent rural employment (DRE) and reduce rural povertyby Peter Wobst
- ILO support to national employment promotion - Approaches and lessons learntby Aurelio Parisotto
- What are the implications of China's agricultural development experiences to Africaby XU Xiuli
- Industrializing through trade by Adam Elhiraika
- The Latin American experience in fostering inclusion and fighting poverty and inequality through conditional cash transfers by Roxana Maurizio
- MacroEconomic Policy for Growth, Employment and Social Inclusion in Nigeria by Ugochukwu Agu
- Monitoring Investments for Social Inclusion by Manuh
- Ensuring National Policy Coherence in Economic, Social & Environmental Dimensions in the Promotion of Full Employment & Decent Work for All – Lessons from Ethiopia by James Wakiaga
- Promoting SMEs for Job Craetion and Poverty Eradication in Africa: Perspectives and Experience from UNIDO by Stephen Bainous Kargbo
- Employment Guarantee Scheme in India Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction through MGNREGS by Ashok Pankaj
- Social Inclusion,Poverty Eradication & Post-2015 Development Agenda by Esuna Dugarova
- Structural Transformation & Inclusive Development in Ethiopia: Results from GTP1 Implementation by Fantu Cheru
- Transforming the informal economy to enhance productivity, promote better jobs and reduce poverty by Vicky Leung