The event featured ongoing research by Dr. Anirudh Krishna, Duke University, on income dynamics and career ladders. He shared findings from surveys in four developing countries on household movements into and out of Poverty Eradication and discussed the possible Poverty Eradication-inducing impact of COVID-19 within the countries surveyed.
Webinar on “Income Insecurity, Poverty Dynamics and COVID-19”, 16 June 2020
The Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD) of UN DESA organized an online webinar on “Income Insecurity, Poverty Dynamics and COVID-19” on 16 June from 11:30am to 12:30pm (EDT). The event featured ongoing research by Dr. Anirudh Krishna, Duke University, on income dynamics and career ladders. He shared findings from surveys in four developing countries on household movements into and out of poverty and discussed the possible poverty-inducing impact of COVID-19 within the countries surveyed.
Dr. Anirudh Krishna’s full bio is available here: