The 2015 Commemoration of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) will be held on Friday, 16 October at United Nations Headquarters in New York, focusing on the theme - "Building a sustainable future: Coming together to end poverty and discrimination".
The 2015 occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is a special one, as it comes on the heels of the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Agenda, which succeeds the Millennium Development Goals, contains 17 new and ambitious goals – forefront among them, to “end poverty in all its forms everywhere.”
It is therefore appropriate that the theme of this year’s international day — chosen by the United Nations in consultation with people living in poverty and civil society organizations — recognizes that all people must come together to end poverty and discrimination in order to build a sustainable future, in which our planet and our societies can fulfil the needs and aspirations of everyone – not only those of a privileged few – for this and future generations.
The full participation of people living in poverty, particularly in the decisions that affect their lives and communities, must be at the centre of policies and strategies to build a sustainable future.
- Concept Note in the following languages: English | Français
- Provisional programme
- Flyer
Message from the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉语
This year's event is organized in partnership with the International Movement ATD Fourth World, the NGO Committee for Social Development and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, supported by the Missions of France and Burkina Faso to the United Nations.
In addition to the Commemoration in New York, celebrations of this International Day are being organized worldwide. Through resolution A/RES/47/196 adopted on 22 December 1992, the General Assembly invited all States to devote the Day to presenting and promoting concrete activities with regard to the eradication of poverty and destitution.
The International Charter for October 17 (English / French) provides guiding principles for the organization of commemorations to mark the International Day.
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